A Dresden Quilt #5 – (quilt reveal) + Free Quilt Pattern
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A Dresden Quilt #5 – (quilt reveal) + Free Quilt Pattern

Last week I finished my fifth Dresden quilt.Β  This is the second time that I’ve used small blocks as my background and also the second time that I’ve done a low volume background.Β  See my last quilt here. I did try some new center methods though…. I can’t even begin to describe how excited I…

Emerge Circle – Pineapple Parade Quilt (quilt reveal) + a FREE quilt pattern
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Emerge Circle – Pineapple Parade Quilt (quilt reveal) + a FREE quilt pattern

Emerge Circle is a group of 11 quilt makers (including myself) dedicated to making quilts for those in need. Β Our aim is to donate 10 quilts per year. Β Our circle is part of the bigger group of charity quilters called do. Good Stitches. Β You can read about it and it’s creator Rachel Hauser here. Every…

The Rescue Quilts – #1 – A Tumbler Quilt – the find and the pattern

The Rescue Quilts – #1 – A Tumbler Quilt – the find and the pattern

The Rescue Quilt series is about finishing up quilt tops that were never completed and then remaking the pattern. Β Sometimes I find easier / modern ways to make the quilt pattern, and sometimes I change up the pattern a bit to freshen things up. Sometimes I will offer the quilt pattern to you free, sometimes…

How to make a hexagon quilt with half hexies – free quilt pattern – 5 different sizes
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How to make a hexagon quilt with half hexies – free quilt pattern – 5 different sizes

Hey, hey! This week is MY week of hexagons. Β I have cut up 3 different hexagon quilts, one of them is for a Β custom order you will see in this post. Β Very scrappy. Β Two more to come soon, one will be a new pattern.   I’ve been asked for a tutorial and pattern details for…