a bit about what I do…

I write fun, well written quilt patterns, teach online classes, hosts quilt alongs and more. I am active with my audience and on social media. I mostly connect with my audience here on my blog, Instagram and my newsletter. I am an active quilt maker and am well versed in the quilting community.

My quilt alongs are well run and highly organized. I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback from my sponsors in the past. On average, I host 2-3 quilt alongs a year.

Let’s Get Social



  • Instagram Followers – 69K+
  • Email subscribers – 53K+
  • Youtube subscribers – 6K+
  • Monthly blog views – 30K average
  • 97% Female (instagram) 88% Female (newsletter)
  • 1.3M Reel with the highest views
  • 52% Avg Email open rate


How I run my quilt alongs

  • Average amount of participants is usually 800-1200.
  • Your business name, logo, link to your Instagram, and link to your shop will be used in each of the weekly blog posts and emails that go out to all participants.
  • On Instagram, you’ll be tagged in the initial announcement, the details post, the final post and highlighted on the week of your giveaway on post day, reminder day and the giveaway day. All of my Instagram posts automatically go out on my Facebook too (my instagram has over 69k+ followers, this puts your business in front of a lot of people).
  • To be eligible for the giveaways, participants must be following your Instagram account to win. When I choose a winner each week, I verify that they are following each of my sponsors prior to announcing the winner.
  • You’ll be assigned a week to sponsor. Once your week has passed and the winner chosen, you’ll be sent an email within a few days with their details for you to mail or email the prize.
  • Any prize of $75 value or more is welcome.
  • If you offer a prize, you are also welcome to add a coupon for your shop to be used during the quilt along.
  • You will be expected to repost details about your sponsorship of the quilt along to your Instagram feed AND story, and to tag me in both (@southerncharmquilts). Please do this during the announcement of the quilt along and during your sponsor week.


Let me know and I’ll you to my contacts.