Protected: Moon Goddess Quilt – How to use the cutting diagrams – Video Tutorial (password located in pattern)
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Come make the Dilly Dally quilt with me! ⟶
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
In this post, we are chatting about hand applique. I’m posting this during EPP week, but know that though many use hand applique with their English paper piecing, hand applique can stand all on it’s own. There is no end to all the shapes you can applique. So this tutorial doesn’t only apply to…
Today’s post is part of a week long series covering all things English paper piecing. This series is in effort to help you along while making the Oh Honey quilt. You’ll find the pattern available here. Visit our EPP shop section here. To view all previous posts in this series, click here. Hexie flowers…