The Rescue Quilts – #10 – A Grandmother’s Flower Garden Quilt

The Rescue Quilts – #10 – A Grandmother’s Flower Garden Quilt

The Rescue Quilt series is about finishing up quilt tops that were never completed and then remaking the pattern. ย Sometimes I find easier / modern ways to make the quilt pattern, and sometimes I change up the pattern a bit to freshen things up.ย  Other times I just finish the rescue quilt and end the…

Quilt Reveal – Tea Time Quilt – The one with Stardust fabrics

Quilt Reveal – Tea Time Quilt – The one with Stardust fabrics

  I’m really in love with this quilt.ย  There’s not much to it either, only a gazillion half square triangles.ย  There’s nothing to figure out and nothing to get wrong.ย  No block will accidently be turned the wrong way.ย  You will learn to make half square triangles.ย  Again, and again, and again.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚ This quilt…

Quilt Reveal – Migration Quilt #4 – The one with all the Liberty + Low Volume

Quilt Reveal – Migration Quilt #4 – The one with all the Liberty + Low Volume

  I am absolutely tickled pink to be showing you my fourth Migration quilt today.ย  Migration is a very simple quilt.ย  It can be very quickly made which makes it the perfect quilt for gift giving. You can see my third version of this quilt here.ย  The other Migrations I made pre-date this blog. Migration…