How to make Dresden plate centers with Heat n Bond
Watch a video on how to make your dresden plate centers with heat n bond adhesive for a quick raw edge applique.
Come make the Dilly Dally quilt with me! ⟶
Watch a video on how to make your dresden plate centers with heat n bond adhesive for a quick raw edge applique.
Today’s post is a part of a series called The Quilt Maker’s Toolkit, showing and teaching about the products I use while I make my quilts. There are no products in this series that I do not use and use often, though sometimes my opinions may change as I grow and move along in my…
Hiya! You may notice that I do quite a bit of quiltmaking. And that means many hours sitting at my machine and many hours of my neck bent in the same position. I tell you this little personal story in case you too have been suffering as I have. I have had many knots at…
Helloooooo! The past few days I have been working on an Orange Peel quilt. I thought I might share my method. There are 3 ways to make an orange peel quilt: 1. using needle turn applique 2. sewing curves 3. raw edge applique Today we are going to explore method #3. It is easy. It…