Monday is all about Fabric #11 – Cotton and Steel

I did not get any new fabric in last week (its a miracle!).

What did arrive is somebody else’s stash that I will talk more about tomorrow.

I’ve never had so much Cotton and Steel prints at one time, so I thought I should use it for our featured fabric this week.

Pretty luscious, huh?

Cotton and Steel is pretty new on the scene in the quilting world.  I doubt it’s been more than five years since they first launched.  I remember seeing this video and being really excited about the fabric.  Like crazy excited.

And they are just sooooo coooooool!

What I like most though is the fact that I can mix and match between the collections and always come out with colors and fabrics that go really well together.

How do they do that?

This one is one of my favorite prints.  Also, this one, this one and this one.

Cotton and Steel has a great website that you could get lost on for hours.  I could go down a rabbit hole when looking at their lookbooks.

They also have a monthly giveaway which is really easy to enter.  They give away 3 yards of fabric and all you have to do is post a picture of clothing you made with the #cottonandsteelcloset.

Need inspiration for what quilt to make next?  Have a look at all their free quilt patterns here.  I particularly like Fun Fair by Kimberly Kight.

I really enjoy seeing what clever and creative minds can accomplish.  Pretty websites and cool videos always have my attention, so anytime they launch a video, I watch.  If you haven’t seen them yet, have a look at what you’ve been missing here.

Now look at this I found.


Cotton and Steel sells their own scrap bags.  The description reads that you can get 10-12 ounces of varying lengths for $20.  Check it out here.  And if anyone out there has purchased one of these scrap bags, leave a comment and let us know what was in.  The fabric loving minds would like to know.

So there you have it.  A small snippet of some of the lusciousness that Cotton + Steel has to offer.  See more here.

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