
Monday is all about Fabric – #25 – More low volumes

You might be thinking, “again!”.  And yes, yes I know that I just posted some low volumes last week, but the thing is I post about what I get in each week, I really NEED low volume fabrics and okay, maybe I am a little partial to them (obsessed with them).  Don’t judge me!

They are my background fabrics for most of my quilts.  I gotta have them.  (if you want me to post about different fabrics, feel free to send them to me:))

Let me just quit justifying my fabric purchases and let you see them, how about that?

Here’s what we are looking at:

Shop Receipts in graphite – Patty Sloninger – Michael Miller fabrics

Rockstar Solo in yellow – Riley Blake Designs

Metro Rings in bubblegum – Robert Kaufman House Designer

Metro Rings in silver – Robert Kaufman House Designer

Lorem Ipsum in turquoise – Jessica Jones – Cloud 9 ( I have the name right on this fabric, but not the link.  Couldn’t seem to find the shop I purchased it from)

Literary – Heather Givans – Windham

Mice on Bikes in white – Lizzy House – Andover

Tulip Joy in white – Paula & Waffle – Dear Stella

Bird Watch in white – Michael Miller House Designer

Tea Pot in white – Melissa Mortenson – Riley Blake

Ava Rose Script in teal – Deena Rutter – Riley Blake

This is the Bird Watch fabric.  They are the sweetest!

I bought those tea pots because, well I love tea pots.  I thought the receipts were pretty cool too.

This is that last one I linked to.  The Ava Rose script.  So dreamy!

They’ll all go directly into my low volume drawer of my stash dresser.  That drawer is finally starting to look full again.  It houses just low volumes.  I need variety, y’all.

Last week I have been working on a orange peel quilt with mostly low volume background, and I like to have many different fabrics in each of my quilt.  With every pull, it just shrinks (while the scrap basket thrives) and every now and then will take a couple of purchases to fill it back up.

But it’s for the love of quilt making, so…….  I need it.  If I was an artist, they’d be my paint.

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