
Monday is all about Fabric – #49 – Quilt Labels

Hey Friends!

On Mondays, I usually talk about a fabric bundle I’ve gotten in the mail during the previous week, BUT I have no new fabric to talk to you about this time around (sad face).  Instead, I’d thought I’d talk about my quilt labels.  They are made of……fabric…..after all.  Right?  It fits!

You may or may not know that I sell quilt labels completely customized to my fellow quilters.  Yes!

And yes, I use my own labels on every quilt I make.  I do have very strong feelings that quilts should be labeled.  Your great granddaughter who gets handed down a quilt made by you will want to know the details of this quilt.  Do her the favor of labeling your quilt so future generations of Great Grandmother Quilt Maker will know exactly what they are snuggling up under.

You can read more about my thoughts on quilt labels here.


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How my labels are made


The labels are made of cotton fabric and printed with your message.  This is not an iron on label or something sent through my home printer.  This is a quality quilt label that will last just as long as the fabric your quilt is made of.

I get asked a lot if they are embroidered, but no, this is not embroidery.  This label looks and feels like the cotton fabric you  make a quilt with.  There’s no real difference to it.

I have lots of label designs for you to choose from or you can just simply choose how and what you want your label to look and say.  I design the labels in Adobe Illustrator, upload them to a fabric manufacturer and they return to me in about two weeks as fabric.  I then cut them into labels, press them, and send them your way.

It’s very, very simple.

You will get sent a proof before they are sent to the printer so that you can double check spelling, or any errors or let me know any changes that you’d like to see.

The whole process takes about three weeks before you have your custom label in your hands.

What’s with the triangle?


This is my favorite style of quilt label.  It’s what I use on my own quilts.  The label gets stitched down in the corner of your quilt across the top of the straight edge of your triangle.  You would do this after quilting, but before you bind.  Then, you’d bind your quilt in your usual manner and the raw edges of your label get buried inside your binding, leaving you with a completely smooth quilt label.  Voila!

Later this week, I’ll post a tutorial for different ways to attach these labels.


Fat Quarter Shop Quilting Fabric, Kits, Notions and Patterns

How to order your quilt labels


I have many different options.

Labels are available as one single label, as a set of nine labels, or as a set of 42 labels.

I personally make almost all my quilt labels say exactly the same thing.  Mine say my name, the year and the town I live in (like the label above).  So when I order my own labels, I order in bulk.  However, I have found that most quilt makers prefer to order “special” labels.  This means that they order one at a time.

Let’s say that you are making a quilt for a wedding gift.  You may want the label to read who the quilt is being gifted to, who it’s being gifted from, the reason for the gift and any other details you’d like to include.  I sell more labels like that than any other labels.

There is also an option for a bulk purchase of different labels.  You might need this option if you are making six quilts for six different people as a Christmas gift.

Shop quilt labels here.


Other options


There are other options for labels than just the triangle quilt labels.  I have squares and rectangles if you prefer in a variety of different sizes.  There are options to add interfacing or fusible adhesive so that you can stitch down your label and go.

Please feel free to email me at melanie (at) southerncharmquilts dot com or use the contact page here.  You can even DM me on Instagram if you prefer.  If you have questions or concerns just ask away.

I’ll be here later this week to show you how to stitch down your corner quilt label with several different methods.

Oh, also, I will be making special labels for both of my current quilt alongs and those will be available to you soon (along with a few I’ll be giving away).

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