All About Craftsy Classes

Hello darlings! I’ve been quilting, but nothing you’d want to see just yet. I make quilts for other people often and those include memory quilts with clothing. Sometimes I show you these, but for the most part I don’t. And that’s what I’ve been doing lately, so there’s no pictures and there’s no posts.
Instead I’ve decided to resurrect an old post with some free quilt classes attached to it. I hope you enjoy.
In the meantime, I have been working on my “The BIG Scrappy Discussion” series (that’s what I’m calling it). If you have thoughts, please send them my way. I’ve been also working on a massive series for beginner quilters that will be a paid series and includes the cutest sampler quilt pattern. I’m very excited about this. We have many new quilters as readers here. If you have struggles, share them with me if you have the time. I’m hoping this series comes out this coming Spring. And the scrappy series comes out nearing January.
Product Spotlight
Fat Quarter (18″ x 22″) of 12 Low Volume prints from various designers as pictured.
Bundles will be cut off the bolt in our shop.
Purchase here.
Sewing is one of those things that you can keep learning and learning with. I have been sewing steadily for 10 years now and there is many many techniques I still don’t know. I’m always looking for ways to improve my techniques or even just a better way of doing something. For this reason, I take classes on occasion.
There are MANY places to take classes, but today I’m talking about Craftsy.
There is no monthly fee (unless you sign up for that), and you pay for only the classes that you want to take. Classes range anywhere from $10-50. And they have sales often enough where you can get discounts on some classes. They also offer quite a bit of free classes. I like to play these in the background while sewing. You never know when a little nugget of a better technique is going to jump in front of you and make you squeeze your eyes closed and wonder why you never thought of that before.
Here are the classes I have taken to date:
Fabric Play: Sewing Mojo Minis by Suzy Williams – This comes with a pattern for three to four adorable mini quilts. I always find Suzy adorable too! The class is short and sweet. I haven’t actually made the minis in this class, but I will and I know what I’m going to use them for. I really enjoyed it! And the whole class embraces something I love: Imperfection.

Word Play by Sarah Fielke – I enjoyed this class and cannot say enough good things about it. If you need patterns for letters – this class has them. If you want to learn to make improv letters – this class teaches that. If you want to make letters with bias tape – this class tells you how. If you want to learn needle turn applique – hands down the best instructions I’ve ever seen on the subject. I wholeheartedly recommend this class.
2012 Block of the Month by Amy Gibson – This is a FREE class with a trial subscription. This is the class that I took to learn to quilt. Before this class I was almost exclusively making rag quilts. After this class, a whole new world was opened up for me. You will learn 10 different quilting techniques. And if you make the blocks with Amy, you end up with a lovely sampler quilt.
Piece, Patch, Quilt: Basic Quiltmaking Skills by Gail Kessler – This is a FREE class. If you want to learn to quilt, this is a class that teaches the basics. There are four quilt patterns that come with it. It also teaches some different ways to baste, quilt and bind.
Playful Piecing Techniques by Camille Roskelley – I enjoyed this class very much. You get four quilt patterns with this class: the Spool quilt, the Juggler quilt, Field Day quilt, and Piece of Cake 2 quilt. Camille also covers in this class many different quilting patterns you could try as well. There is also two different binding methods taught. If you are new to quiltmaking, these patterns are geared towards you.
Quiltcon Lectures 2013 – This is more of a series of lectures than a class, but I found it to be incredibly inspiring. It’s also FREE. My favorite part was Amy and David Butler’s talk about photography.
Block of the Month 2013 by Laura Nownes– This is a FREE class. And let me tell you that Laura Nownes is brilliant. I did not make this quilt, but I watched everything Laura did, how she did it, and her own unique methods. She has some surprising shortcuts that completely changed my own methods. Pay attention. Listen to what she says. You will be amazed at what you pick up from this class.
The Good Girl Quilt
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I hope you are having the loveliest of weeks and a week filled with sewing! Hugs.