Sugar Bear Quilt – Funshine Version – Quilt Reveal


Sugar Bear in Funshine

I enjoyed making this quilt. Like really, really. There’s something about a sampler quilt, especially in this block style. I like working on blocks individually this way. I’ve found that when all the blocks are the same in a quilt, I tend to chain piece and do “all at once” style a bit more. In this type of quilt though, it feels like everything is a bit more involved or invested, not sure why. Maybe because all of your thoughts and focus are on each single block as you work instead of focusing on the overall look?

If you missed my “progress” post on this one, you can find it here.

If you haven’t already made my Little Miss Sawtooth quilt yet, it’s very similar, except instead of bear claws, it features sawtooth stars. It’s a great beginner pattern, find it here.





About the Quilt

I really put my heart into this quilt, and worked for a week straight just on the quilting. I finally decided it was time to go for it with the ruler work. It wasn’t hard, it was just time consuming.

So first using the rulers, I quilted around each block in the ditch and then also about a 1/4″ from the ditch. I used this ruler to do all that work. I have tried it a few times with other quilts, but nothing on this level. It took sometime and a lot of seam ripping before I felt okay with it. I’ll keep practicing. I really loved the look and felt like it gave all the blocks a little more oomph.

After I used the ruler on the outsides of the blocks, I moved to the insides where I ditched every seam and then did a little free motion inside. Very little though as I was trying to make them pop from the background. I think I actually probably quilted some of the blocks a bit too much.

Only when each block was quilted inside and out did I move on to quilting the background. I used my succulents, some elongated curls and some feathers.

I’ll probably do a video tutorial for the feathers soon or maybe a combination of those designs. I need to get better at the ruler work before I try to teach others that part.






I used the Whatnot Floral Goldenrod wide back again for my backing. This is like my third quilt with this. We have it in the shop here. I need to order more…. It’s still my fave backing ever.

The dense quilting in the background really gave this one a scrumptious crinkle. 🙂





Quilt Details:

PatternSugar Bear

Size – 70×70″

Top FabricsFunshine bundle (if needing individual names in bundle you can find them here) and Kona Ivory for background

Backing Fabrics –  Whatnot Goldenrod Floral

BindingBristling Balmy

Batting Warm & Natural

Thread – So Fine by Superior in Blizzard for piecing, Microquilter in baby pink for quilting

Finishing Techniques –  free motion quilting on domestic, chunky stitch binding

Skill Level – Advanced beginner

Label Found here






I’ve already started my next Sugar Bear and you’ll get to see more of that next week. I used Amy Sinbaldi’s Velvet fabrics for it and I’m dying to show you! The next one is much softer than this vibrant version.

The Sugar Bear pattern releases on March 8. It will be available for PDF then too. And then we have the quilt along for it starting March 17. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can do so here.


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