
A Dresden Quilt #9 – Jewel Tones – In Progress


A Dresden Quilt

After a month of effort, I finally have a flimsy for my A Dresden Quilt. My 9th version of this quilt. Whew! This feels good! So much work and for a while there I thought I’d never get here. Dresdens are so tedious, so time consuming, but it’s hard to argue with their beauty.

Find all of other Dresden plate quilts here.

You can find all my Dresden plate tutorials here, including the double pointed version.

Find my free pattern for this quilt here.







This is a commission quilt and jewel tones were requested. I used probably the least amount of fabrics I’ve ever used for A Dresden Quilt in the past. I just kept repeating the same handful of fabrics. Almost all of the fabrics used in this quilt came from my stash and many were older and discontinued.

I did use the Swoon prints from Heather Bailey’s new True Kisses for the majority of my Dresden centers. Which was fun. I enjoyed cutting out some of the flowers whole. The flowers on this print were some of the biggest I’ve seen before. I was feeling very inspired by them.







I’m going to be very simple with my quilting of this one since I’ve already sunk so much time into it already. It’s also a giant of a quilt. 96″ square. So no matter what I do, I’ll be doing it for days on end. Lol. I’m thinking a basic meander for all of my background and then maybe get more creative inside the Dresdens. I want to get some practice in with them. On all my past versions I’ve been simple, but I’ve felt inspired recently to try new things with the Dresdens.




I’ll show you the completed version soon. I’m expecting to start quilting this today or tomorrow, so not too much longer.

Thanks for reading along!






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One Comment

  1. Wow, so pretty, Melanie! Love the large flower centers, they really make a cool statement in the quilt.

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