Clover – A new fabric collection by Melanie Traylor
Clover fabric collection
Clover is my latest stash builder fabric collection and it also doubles as an all basics collection. There’s a video below chatting about all the fabrics.
We currently have bundles, kits and yardage available to pre-order. This collection arrives late August.

Grab a copy of my book,
A Life With Quilts
-Featuring five quilt patterns, throw to twin size. -Most of the pattern are scrap and fat quarter friendly. -All patterns are for all skill levels. -Includes methods and tips for choosing fabrics, finishing a quilt and personal stories.
Video Links
- Find all of the Clover collection here
- Find more of my fabric collections here
- Get on my email list to get access to the free pattern library
- Find the free pattern library here
- INSTAGRAM: @southerncharmquilts + @meanderandmake
- Contact me

Get access to the Free Pattern Library
In addition to all of my free patterns, you’ll be able to stay connected and know when the next quilt along is or when a new quilt pattern becomes available.
Something went wrong with your video. I don’t know if the problem was at your end or mine, but it was hard to see.😟
Is “clover” going to be sold as individual yardage?
Yes, you can find the individual yardage for presell here