Monday Is All About Fabric #287
There’s a new #mondayisallaboutfabric article available. Some Place Grand is making a comeback in January. There’s a new video up (link in bio) with all the details. #someplacegrandfabrics
Come make the Dilly Dally quilt with me! ⟶
There’s a new #mondayisallaboutfabric article available. Some Place Grand is making a comeback in January. There’s a new video up (link in bio) with all the details. #someplacegrandfabrics
Chapter 1 of the #adresdenqal begins… Check your inbox for this week’s tasks and tips.
There’s a new #mondayisallaboutfabric article available. We have a new #fernwehquilt bundle called Razzle Dazzle. Plus, Clover fabrics are arriving! Click the link in my bio.
I’m slowing free motion quilting my Dandy quilt with lots of different doodles. There’s a new fmq real time video up today. Link in profile.
There’s a new #mondayisallaboutfabric article available. We’ve put together 2 new low volume bundles and a couple of bundles for the #littlemisssawtoothquilt , #sugarbearquilt and #soulshinequilt . Click the link in my bio.
More Dresden plate tips today! Here’s a little look at my favorite 3 products for Dresden plate making. Link in profile. #adresdenquilt
Don’t forget that the #adresdenqal starts November 1!