
2024 WIPs (works in progress) Show n Tell

I have a video for you today, showing my WIPs Show n Tell (works in progress) as of 2024. I’ll be showing you how I organize them, but more importantly how many I have.

About WIPs:

  • This is my WIPs (works in progress) Show n Tell as of 2024
  • WIPs happen when our creative desires are bigger than the time we have on hand.
  • I think it’s perfectly natural and beneficial to have multiple quilted projects going on at the same time.
  • Losing interest in a quilt happens to all of us. The joy from starting a new project can be addictive and can occasionally result in many unfinished quilt projects.
  • We all have various way of dealing with WIPs or NOT dealing with them.
WIPs (works in progress) Show n Tell

2024 WIPs show n tell Video Links

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