Finishing Your Quilt – Step 2 – Free Motion Quilting – Video Tutorial

Finishing Your Quilt – Step 2 – Free Motion Quilting – Video Tutorial

After you have completed your quilt top there are still three rather large tasks to complete before you have a quilt that’s ready for snuggling: Baste your quilt Free Motion Quilting and trim up Bind your quilt This series covers each of these topics using the exact methods I use for my own quilts.  …

How to Tie a Quilt with Yarn { and not throw things } – video tutorial

How to Tie a Quilt with Yarn { and not throw things } – video tutorial

  Okay, this is serious!  Yarn tied quilts have been bad-mouthed.  I have heard it repeatedly.  I have even saw someone roll their eyes.  “Oh, she used yarn?” with eyes widening and disgust on their face. I cannot for the life of me figure out where the disdain comes from.  I don’t know if it’s…

Three Methods for Stitching a Corner Quilt Label ( video tutorial )

Three Methods for Stitching a Corner Quilt Label ( video tutorial )

Hello, sweet quilt loving makers! This is a post I have been meaning to write forever.  I do sell custom quilt labels, so a tutorial for how to add them to your quilt is lonnnnnng overdue. Things you should note: You can purchase my quilt labels here.  They are completely customizeable to suit YOUR needs….

How to choose fabric for a quilt – Being Thoughtful about your choices + 3 methods for choosing + a freebie worksheet

How to choose fabric for a quilt – Being Thoughtful about your choices + 3 methods for choosing + a freebie worksheet

Hey, Lovelies! Today I wanted to talk about my personal favorite part of making a quilt:  choosing fabric.  Yah!  Are you excited? Fabric combinations are subjective.  I may just be enamored with something that you don’t find pleasing to the eye whatsoever or vice versa.  I may hate a particular color combination, and you may…