
Monday is all about Fabric – #58 – Red + Navy

Truth be told this is way more than just red and navy, but GAH!  I don’t even care.  I looooooooove this bundle!

BTW.  I never use red.

But sometimes, sometimes a girl needs some red, especially when the red is this luscious.

Have you a cup of tea in hand?  Yes, yes?  Let’s get to it.


Cotton + Steel Boutique



Let’s see what we are looking at

Firstly, that roses print, Pruning Roses, is everything!!!  Second, the Maureen Cracknell print right beside it….. might be my favorite low volume ever.  I am in love, friends.  It is a perfect print.  Exactly everything about low volume that I want/need/love.  Gimme more!




These were all purchased for a wedding quilt I’ve got to make soon.

Hope you like!

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