Monday is all about Fabric – #70 – Kaleidoscope by Alison Glass
I like solids, I just don’t tend to choose them much. But THESE! Oh, these colors!
Meet Kaleidoscope by Alison Glass. AND this is just a fraction of the colors in this collection and they are not regular solids, but “shot cotton” solids, which means they have a bit of yummy texture to them. I cannot stop petting this bundle!
Let’s start the gushing!
Here’s what we are looking at:
Meet Kaleidoscope by Alison Glass, delicious shot cotton solids!
These particular bundles I have came from Cottoneer Fabrics. To be exact, I ordered this bundle and this bundle. I’ve got a rainbow-ish quilt coming up (more news on this coming soon) and I don’t really do rainbow. I like them, I just don’t usually make them. Then I saw these fabrics! And then I only pulled “certain” shades from the rainbow. It’s rainbow enough for me!
So here’s the exact prints:
- Beet
- Urchin
- Dahlia
- Cosmos
- Foxglove
- Thistle
- Lavender
- Hydrangea
- Peacock
- Daisy
- Opal (this one is my favorite)
- Bluejay
- Periwinkle
- Strawberry
- Peony
- Pomegranate
- Tomato
- Persimmon
- Carrot
- Sunflower
There may be a short and sweet quilt along to be announced late this month that’s based around just one block (I’m being sneaky, there will be). If you enjoyed the Sawtooth Stars quilt along from last summer, this one is very similar to that one, but we are making only one type of block. I’ll be doing a rainbow solid version mixed in with low volumes in the background. I’ll have more details for you later.
This Week
I’m thinking I’ve only got you a few quilt reveals coming up this week.
At some point this month I want to do a post all about the different kinds of scissors, but we’ll see what happens.
I hope you are having a lovely summer!
Melanie, where do you get most of your low volume/value fabrics? I’ve not had a lot of luck finding bundles which is my preference.
Try this link: