Balance Background Bundle – Monday is All About Fabric – #255

Welcome back to Monday is all About Fabric!
I hope you are doing okay today!
We have one new bundle to show you, but have a mess of new fabrics showing up sometime today.
New Fabrics at Meander + Make
- Fanciful by Sharon Holland has ARRIVED!
- Dark Fusion by AGF Studio arrives in November.
- Botanist by Katarina Roccella is here.
- Gayle Loraine by Elizabeth Chappell is here too.
Pre-order Updates from Meander + Make
- Wholehearted is coming back at the end of November.
- Garden Therapy by myself arrives in December.
Today’s post is part of a series called Monday is all about Fabric.
I don’t know about you, but fabric is EVERYTHING! I love buying it, petting it and then gushing with you about it. I’ll show you my latest fabric purchases and where you can buy it too.

Get access to the Free Pattern Library
In addition to all of my free patterns, you’ll be able to stay connected and know when the next quilt along is or when a new quilt pattern becomes available.

Balance Background Bundle
You will receive 12 fabrics shown in pictures. This is a bundle of 1/2 yard cuts.
The purpose of this bundle is for making scrappy backgrounds. Included is a mix of busy, middle and whispery low volume types (read more about the different types of low volume fabrics here) to give your quilt a balanced background, but still make it fun and scrappy.
Would work great with:
- Sugar Bear
- Bad Girl quilt
- Good Girl Quilt
- Little Miss Sawtooth
- Migration Quilt (more fabrics may be needed for the larger sizes, so do check fabric requirements)
Grab a copy of my book,
A Life With Quilts
-Featuring five quilt patterns, throw to twin size. -Most of the pattern are scrap and fat quarter friendly. -All patterns are for all skill levels. -Includes methods and tips for choosing fabrics, finishing a quilt and personal stories.

Wholehearted was my 4th fabric collection and it’s making another comeback! The entire line of (16) prints will be back by the end of November. LAST NOTICE to pre-order!
Fat quarter and half yard bundles are now available for pre-order. I’ve also created many mock ups of Wholehearted in some of my different quilt patterns.
When you visit the listing, some of these have different background options. DO check them out! It’s so cool to see how different the quilt look when you plug in the different background.

This week…
The pic above is a sample of a “finishing” class I’m working on (no real dates yet). On Wednesday, we begin week 6 (the final week) of the Attic Window Quilt. On Friday, I’m giving you a look at my pressing station!