Lately – the end of March

It’s the last day of March.

How is that possible?  Didn’t it just become 2017?  The older I get the quicker time seems to move.  Unlike my teenagers who think a week is the longest time in the world to have to wait for something.  “It’s just a week,” I say.  Only to be met with choruses of bellyaching.

Lately, I’ve been trying to capture moments of beauty around me.  Kind of a prompt to look around and SEE.  Most of them seem to be nature right now.  It’s spring here, so there is much to look at.  The bright, new green leaves are just coming from the trees.  A bright contrast from the dull brown, empty winter woods.  I’ve been using the #everydaykindanice.

I just finished reading Issue 16 of Flow magazine.  This is my FAVORITE magazine.  This issue was again about mindfulness and also spending time away from being online so much.  There was a sweet little booklet about things to do instead.  There was also an adult coloring book.  Some of the pages had pictures from the covers of previous Flow magazines.  On summer trips I’m planning to pack that coloring book and my markers and zone out.


I have a confession.  I have taken a break from reading novels for the first time in 10+ years.  Last year, I feel like so much of my time was spent with my books.  And I just find that such a lovely way to spend my time, BUT it means that I don’t have time for other things, like putting my own thoughts down on paper.  So I’ve taken a break.  Also, the last book I read was this past January and it was LOTR: The return of the King.  And I have a quilt I want to make about it.  No, not a themed quilt.  This one is subtle and some might not even realize it’s about LOTR, so I’m excited about that.  If I ever can find the time.

I’ve challenged myself to not read any novels until that quilt is complete.  I do have a list of novels to read, so I don’t know how much longer I can keep myself in check.


Music:  I can seriously listen to the same music over and over again for years.  And I do, all the time.  But I did find a new playlist on Spotify here that I am enjoying.

A few weeks ago, we went to Atlanta and saw The Lumineers in concert.  It was just amazing.  They were opened by Kaleo, who I already had been listening to and just love as well.

Podcast :  I’ve started listening to MANY great new podcasts.  Here is a list of them that are new for me:

S-town: this one has the feel of a novel.  It also takes place not too far from where I live.  I binge listened to all of it in two days.  If you want to feel happy, this is not something to listen to.  But it does make you think about our world so I enjoyed.  Lots of explicit language, so don’t listen around kiddies.

While She Naps :  This one is hosted by Abby Glassenburg, who I just love.  I can’t believe I didn’t know about this podcast before.  It’s a good one about small business, inspiring women and craft.

The Crafty Planner : This one is hosted by Sandi Hazelwood.  She is a great interviewer.  The interviews are usually not just about the obvious, but can be deep and meaningful.  I really enjoy this podcast.

With my Wandering quilts, I’ve been sending a little gift to each lady of just some simple embroidery.  It’s really just a little way to force myself to take some time, sit somewhere pretty and stitch with my hands.

I’ve been embroidering for about three years now, but not too often, so I’m definitely still a newbie at it.  I did learn from this class.  And I’ve watched this class several times.  It’s by Rebecca Ringquist.  She also has an etsy shop where she sales those stitching samplers here.  I am itching to get in one of her monthly clubs.  Soon, hopefully.  I’ve got a wall in the studio that I think would look lovely with pretty embroidery hoops all over it.

So, my scraps are piling up and I was thinking about doing just a 30 day project on April 1-30 to get things a little less cluttered in my scrap baskets.  I would start each day, with tea of course, but before doing anything else, come down to the studio and make an improv scrap block, every morning.  At the end of the month would be a quilt and hopefully scrap baskets that are not tumbling over.  More on this tomorrow.

That’s all I have for now.  Thanks for letting me ramble.  XO, Melanie

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