Monday is all about fabric – #20 – a little bit of Loominous from The Confident Stitch

It’s been a slow week for getting new fabrics.  I only managed to  get sneak these two in.  The Confident Stitch sweetly offered me a couple of half yards to get me started making lovelies with their fabrics.  They have a massive stock of Cotton and Steel fabrics plus lots of other quilting cottons.  There garment section though was quite vast.  If you are into dressmaking, which I sometimes am from time to time, do check out all their lightweight cottons.

That’s where I picked these two fabrics.  They are from the Loominous 2 collection by Anna Maria Horner.  I’ve purchased some of this collection before and just loved working with it.  I used it for quilting and it made the SOFTEST quilt.  I also have… ahem (don’t tell!)….4 yards of it in black for a dress along with a pattern tucked away waiting for the time to make.  If I stop making quilts just for a bit, maybe I could make the dress.  I don’t know why it’s hard for me to do that.  I started sewing in 2008 and yet, have only made myself 3 dresses.  Ugh.

Have a look here at my obsession that has yet to come to fruition with dressmaking.  Maybe soon I’ll set a day aside just to finish all these patterns I’ve purchased here and there.

One of the good things about shopping at smaller quilt/fabric shops is that you don’t know what you don’t have or even what’s out there until someone tells you about it.  Smaller shops are perfect for finding these things out.  Just check out the notions section.  I found this which I must have and this which I’ve been wanting to try for a bit.  I’ve actually been hoping for somebody in my house to rip a good pair of jeans just so I could try it out on them.

Now I’m wondering what I will do with these two half yards.  The check fabric is begging for me to do something fun.  I’ll stash it until inspiration stirs.

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