Little Miss Sawtooth Quilt Along – All the Flying Geese – #1

It’s time! We are jumping right into this today. Skipping all the fluff and gonna get sewing quickly! If we keep on track we’ll have this flimsy complete before Thanksgiving (in the US) and for sure before the crazy time of all the holidays (everybody).
And since we are jumping in, I am going to combine this with cutting and fabric choosing. I know so many of you want and love those tips and I’ve been asked for them.
Let’s get on with it!
Get the pattern here if you haven’t already.
Things not to forget:
- Beth of Modernly Stitched is offering 20% off all longarming during the quilt along to 8 weeks after it ends.
- We have a new special quilt label coming soon. It will be located here.
- Find all the supplies and more from the pattern located here.
The posts in this series are all part of the Little Miss Sawtooth Quilt Along.Â
To view all the posts, click here.Â
To join the quilt along, click here.

I wrote a post last week that goes into some detail about how to choose fabrics for this quilt. You can find that post here. It should help you decide fabrics a bit better for your foreground and background if you haven’t already made a Little Miss Sawtooth quilt.
I don’t think you could choose wrong on your fabrics. It’s just all that scrappy low volume going on in the background that may make you pause and give your quilt a bit more thought.
For my own quilt, I’m using Maureen’s Cozy + Magical fabrics. I’m only using three different backgrounds: One for the blocks and two for my 4-patches. I’m mixing it up after the 11 (!) other Little Miss quilts I’ve made before and doing something a little different. Fingers crossed! Using so few fabrics and only solids in my background will allow me to use some of the low volumes in Cozy + Magical as my star points without me having to worry if my star points will get lost in my background.

This Round’s Task
This round we are tackling the star points. AKA the flying geese. We are getting them out of the way right here at the beginning of the quilt. Doing it this way will make things easier as we start block making next round. You’ll be able to just make the center parts of your block each round and then grab your already completed star points to finish up your blocks!
- REMEMBER you are cutting your large squares from BACKGROUND and your smaller squares from foreground.
- Flying geese can be a bit finicky if you’ve never made them before. I have a video tutorial for you here. This video tutorial is loaded with tips! But I’ll repeat them here:
- STARCH your fabrics before you ever make the first cut! It will keep your fabrics crisp and make it less likely for your fabrics to shift and cause you trouble.
- USE a scant 1/4 inch seam! This way they don’t come out a bit short.
- IF you use the measurements in the pattern and use the scant 1/4″ seam, you will have NO need to trim these down. They’ll be ready to go with the accurate measurement.
- If you’ve never made 4-at-a-time flying geese it may surprise you that these have zero waste and come together surprisingly fast! But some questions I always get: YES, you do need to cut them those funky measurements. And YES, the smaller squares should overlap on top of your background like that.
- YOU GOT THIS! And you are amazing! I cannot wait to see what you do!

Gosh I’m excited with this start! And I’ve been seeing some lovely fabric pulls over on Instagram. Do join in over there and be a part of the community and fun.
Use the #littlemisssawtoothqal to be eligible for the prizes we are giving away the day before the next round begins! I’ll be personally choosing one winner each week to receive a $25 credit to Meander + Make (worldwide) and Havel’s Sewing will be giving that same winner (US only on the Havel’s prize) a special surprise. All you have to do is post to that hashtag above. Be sure to check your spelling! And post more to have more chances.
- Liza has a magical pull right here.
- Excited about the pretty applique in the center of Molly’s picture. Plus. those mermaids!
- Erin’s pull looks yummy!
- Look’s like Caroline’s using mostly Lilliput with a few added lovelies. 🙂
Thank you so much for sewing with me!

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