New Dilly Dally Lessons Are Live! ๐ŸŽ‰ Blocks 3-7 + a Bonus Tip!

New Dilly Dally Lessons Are Live! ๐ŸŽ‰ Blocks 3-7 + a Bonus Tip!

I hope you are having a great day! โ˜€๏ธ  Iโ€™ve been busy behind the scenes with lots of sewing this past week, and Iโ€™m excited to share that blocks 3 through 7 are now live in the Dilly Dally quilt class! ๐ŸŽ‰ Plus, thereโ€™s a brand new lesson all about making sure your blocks turn…

Dilly Dally Has Begunโ€“Let’s Get Started!

Dilly Dally Has Begunโ€“Let’s Get Started!

Itโ€™s happening!ย Dilly Dally has begun. You can now view some of the early chats. Iโ€™ve also uploaded the first 6 pages of the book, which includes fabric requirements, so you may begin planning your quilt! This advanced beginner-friendly course will guide you through creating a stunning sampler quilt with 49 tiny pieced blocks. Packed with…