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Wandering Quilt – Rebecca’s Dandelion quilt + an update on my honey bee quilt

Just in case you are not familiar with traveling quilts here is the idea:  Each member of your group creates a starter block and usually writes a journal with details, theme and style they would like their quilt to end up.  You send your starter block to another member in your group (usually there is a list, and you send it to the next lady on the list), they have a month to add on to your starter block and get your quilt going.  Then, they send it to the next woman on the list and so on and so on until your quilt arrives back to you.  In the meantime, as your quilt is traveling to each member of your group, their quilts are as well, so you will be adding to their quilts.

We have 10 women in our group.  That means that 9 ladies besides me will be working on my quilt and I will be working on 9 different quilts.  All themed.  Here is my wandering quilt.

Our group runs January 2017 – October 2017.

Look at my sweet honey bee quilt growing!

She spent last month in Orlando.  See my last post on it here.  Alissa added the honey hives in the bottom right corner and the pink in the upper left corner.  I’m pretty pleased with it so far.  The colors!

Just like the month before, I love the two tones of the rounds.  The pink is a vibrant contrast from everything else going on in the quilt.

My quilt is currently in North Carolina where it will be spending the month of April.

On to Rebecca’s quilt

Rebecca’s quilt is supposed to embody childhood

Her theme is loose and can encompass anything that might make one reflect upon childhood.

I had set aside lots of prints for fussy cutting for this quilt a month ago, thinking I would use those in some pretty block that might highlight them.  Sarah Jane fabrics or Heather Ross fabrics is what I was thinking.

But I couldn’t settle on a block.  I was leaning towards maybe a sawtooth star or something, but was worried about being boring.  Plus, the quilt already has quite a bit of fussy cutting.

I like the name of this quilt.  Dandelion.  And I love dandelions, a big huge bunch.  So I was considering doing something like that.

First I found this:


This is a pattern from Violet Craft.  It’s not actually a dandelion, it’s Queen Anne’s lace, but it looks like a dandelion.  Do you think?

I also was thinking of doing some applique work that might look similar to this, from V and Co. website.

Image of just dandy baby quilt pdf file

That’ I’m pretty in love with.  I might could even make it in a pieced style with a stack and slash method.  And then just applique the circles on.  I think I like this one better because there is no question about it being a dandelion.

What if I put a text beside it that said, ‘make a wish’?  Too much?

I’ll definitely be adding on to the length of the quilt since it’s already wider than long.  I think that second dandelion is calling my name.  I’d also like to give needle turn applique another go, for the circles.  My hands have been enjoying hand stitching lately.

One last thing, that cinnamon color that is surrounding everything on this quilt is no more.  It was included with the quilt top from Rebecca, but it’s been all used up except for some tiny pieces.  So I’ll have to think about what color my background is going to be if my dandelion is white.  And I have no immediate thoughts about that at all.

Until next time.

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  1. I think the background would look nice in Navy blue… Then you could add moon or stars as well! Just an idea!

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