
Rescue Quilts – finishing vintage quilt tops – The Pie Quilt – How I find them

I do this from time to time.  Buy old quilt tops wherever I find them and finish them up.

This is actually one I bought last year.

I’m usually on the lookout for unusual fabrics and an usual pattern.  But not always.  Sometimes I’m just struck.

This is one of those different patterns.  I like curve piecing.  I also haven’t mastered curve piecing yet, so I think that makes me like it that much more.

I was thinking this one had some feed sack fabrics in it, but I’m no expert.  I’ve heard that feed sack has some holes in it sometimes, like all in a row, and I found that in several places on this quilt in the pink fabric, so I thought, maybe.

This quilt is also just a lot of fun!  And it looks like pies.

I thought it might be cool to add this pattern to my Quilt Bucket List or some variation of it.  This is the block that was repeated to make the circular shapes.

Why am I finishing these quilts?

I’m very drawn to them.  I don’t like to see them unfinished in stores.  It’s so much work and it never gets any love like this.  THEY MUST BE FINISHED.

With a little finishing, they can get all the snuggles and love.  And it doesn’t take long.  You figure the quilt top (the hardest part) is already completed.  All you have to do is baste, quilt, and bind.  Voila, quilt!

Where to find vintage quilt tops?

For certain, my favorite place to find vintage quilt tops is right here on Ebay.

I also like to shop here on Etsy, though sometimes they are more expensive than Ebay.

Other than those two options, just get out and do some good old fashioned thrifting.  Visit antique stores, thrift stores, estate sales.  I have found that antique stores will also lean a little to the high end on pricing, but sometimes you get lucky.  Estate sales however are incredibly cheaper.  Usually estate sales will offer a half price day on the last day they are going to be there and that is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of a quilt top find.  This is usually the cheapest option for me.


This quilt is for sale in my shop here.

I have a very large stack of these quilt tops.  I buy them at random times.  More times than not though, I buy them on Ebay.  I actually just finished buying this one.


I cannot wait to get this one in my hands.  Look at all that cool fabric!!

Here are a few other quilts from Ebay for sale now that have struck my fancy:

this bow tie quilt top

this grandmother’s flower garden

look at the butterflies on this one

I absolutely love this one

Helpful Links

How to thrift for vintage quilt tops and what to do when you get them

Why you should label your quilts


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  1. That would be a great way to get a grandma’s flower garden quilt!!! I love how classic they are…. but will never make one! Ain’t nobody got time for that!!! Haha! I love that Pinterest always puts your quilts in my feed!!

    1. I finished my great grandmothers “grandma’s flower garden quilt” last Fall, and yes you are right. Otherwise I never have finished one. 🙂

  2. I know this post is from forever ago but would love to know how you price them when you finish the vintage quilt top yourself? I’m currently trying to figure that out myself because part is “vintage” but not the part I sewed don’t know if that makes sense

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