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Rescue Quilt #7 – Itty Bitty Trip Around the World Quilt + 2019 Goals & Resolutions

The Rescue Quilt series is about finishing up quilt tops that were never completed and then remaking the pattern.  Sometimes I find easier / modern ways to make the quilt pattern, and sometimes I change up the pattern a bit to freshen things up.

Sometimes I will offer the quilt pattern to you free, sometimes it will be a paid pattern in my pattern shop.

The goal is to honor the quilt maker who made the quilt top by completing their project, to not waste good craftsmanship (usually done by hand), to ogle long ago yummy fabrics, and to breathe in a little old inspiration and make it new again.  You can view all parts of this series here.

Want to get started on finishing your own Rescue quilts?  Here are a few articles to get you started:




I showed off this quilt the other day on Instagram.  It was a gift from my sister in law.  Somebody was throwing this out and she snatched up for me.  How amazing is that?!

First thing about it that you should note is about those tiny squares.  Want to know what size they are?  Guess.  You’ll never guess.  3/4″!  Three quarters of an inch!  This is the tiniest piecing I’ve ever held in my hands or ever even seen, and it’s well done piecing to, all seams lining up, and all HAND PIECED.  Yeah, that’s another thing.  BUT the biggest thing in my opinion is the amount of squares used.  I counted them.  There are 5,166 squares in this quilt!  Is your mind blown?  Can you tell how am awe I am to whoever this fabulous quilter from Hoover, Alabama was?

Y’all, I’m dying over here.




I’ll be finishing this quilt very soon.  As you know, I already made a Trip Around the World quilt just a week or so ago.  So the timing for this one couldn’t be more perfect.  Also, it measures 81×106″.  I’m thinking that might make a decent size for my bed.  More soon.

Goals + Resolutions

I’m so excited to write this post!  I’ve thought about this the whole month of December.  I love planning!  I’ll be breaking this up into a couple of sections.  Also, I’m perfectly fine with this coming out after January is in full swing.  I like taking my time to think about my goals carefully.

Quilty Business Goals

  1. Release at least 6 quilt patterns this year (last year I only released + 2 quilt alongs).  I have Bad Girl that’s very close to being finished.  I also have several designs already created, but just need quilts and patterns for.
  2. Host Carolina Mingle quilt along (probably taking place mid-late February and running for one month).
  3. Host Good Girl quilt along (want to start this one as soon as the Carolina Mingle one is complete).
  4. I’ll also be hosting another quilt along for Coats + Clark sometime this year (don’t have the details on this yet, it’s just been agreed on that it will happen).
  5. Release my 26-course class on Patchwork + Quilt for Beginners (half way done writing this course and it comes with a sampler quilt pattern that is adorable and written particularly for beginners).  In the sampler quilt is the potential for additional quilt patterns using some of the blocks.
  6. Think more about The Pillow Club.
  7. Continue blog posting 2-3 times a week, but try to get a more coordinated or themed post setting instead of so random at least some of the time.

Action Quilty Goals

  1. Finish making Bad Girl quilt.
  2. Don’t just think about sliding WIPs into your schedule, but actually do it, particularly the one’s that are right there at the finish line.
  3. Go to Quiltcon in February and try not to be an introvert.
  4. Make Evening Walk quilt (beginner sampler).
  5. Make modern log cabin quilt (haven’t chosen a name for yet).
  6. Heavens to Betsy quilt pattern is completed and tested.  I’ve just not put the blocks together.  Get it done.

Personal Goals

  1. Get back to walking two miles a day and try not to be so hard on myself if a day gets skipped.
  2. Stop eating like your a 12-year-old.  Start adding more vegetables into my daily meals.
  3. Let go of some of this animosity from childhood.
  4. Start getting checkups more regularly.  I am not a child.
  5. Continue to have close relationships with my children and continue to drop everything when they want to chat.  On this note, I could also be a bit more mindful that what I want for them and what they want are two different things.
  6. Strengthen the relationship I have with my sister.

My Quilt Patterns


Shop All Patterns Here




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  1. I am ready for another quilt along. I have to quilt the two from last year but I am really practicing on my machine and hope to get them finished soon.

  2. These are all SUPER amazing and admirable goals….YOU GO sister!!! Hopefully I can have more time to play along with your upcoming quiltalongs… and A Pillow Club??!!?! I am 100% intrigued!!! I am right there with you on the personal goals, except I am much further away from 12 yrs old and still eat like one!! The kids thing? Yes! I need to be more mindful about that too!! (Like, if they would only do what I tell them…I know whats best, and then they won’t have to hurt from making life mistakes!!! LOL!!) You should totally organize a Quiltcon Posse to go with you – how FUN! I think anyone brave enough to make your awesome quilting videos is plenty brave enough to talk to QuiltCon quilty ladies!!! I hope you will be able to find the sponsorship needed to continue this amazing blog space – it makes me very happy!!! and last…keep being amazing, and dont forget to be gentle with yourself – you are doing amazing things!!!

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