Monday is all about Fabric – #26 – Fabrics I want

It’s a sad, sad week around here when no pretty fabrics arrive like last week (insert a big sigh here). That’s okay though, because…..because…. I’m really having a hard time trying to come up with a reason here. I tried, sorry, can’t do it. I need new fabrics!
So I thought I’d take this opportunity and tell you about some lovely fabrics that I’ve noticed recently. A wish list, maybe? I’ve done this before, remember these fabrics?
Craftsy sells fabrics
I’m sure I’m just seriously behind on that little bit of knowledge, but I didn’t know that until recently. Maybe you are in the same boat as me? The ‘head in the sand’ boat.
Here are some bundles I’ve came across on Craftsy that I looooooove.
People. I LOVE these fabrics. They are called Strawberry Fizz and you can find them here. They are all in my cart just waiting on me to purchase. I particularly love the one’s with white background. Tiny florals are always needed in my stash.
This bundle is called 1930’s Primary, and you can find it here. On this one you get the whole set in different size increments. I’ve never seen that before, but it’s for stash building. Again, this is mostly florals which is probably why I’m so drawn to it. Especially that blue plaid with the red flowers scattered. Ahhhh, gimme, gimme!
(insert a gasp here) A gasp was pretty much my reaction to these fabrics. This line is called Flower Shoppe, find it here. I like the two herrringbone-ish fabrics on the left and particularly the cream floral and the navy floral. Luscious city!!
I’m scrolling along, scrolling along when I have to jerk my attention back up to this striking bundle! This is Denyse Schmidt’s Stongington precut bundle. It’s available in a variety of different precuts. I want the fat quarter bundle. GIVE ME THE FAT QUARTER BUNDLE! You may not know this about me, but I have a little thing for Denyse Schmidt fabrics. I have a secret stash of Hope Valley buried very deep so that nobody can find (it awaits the most perfect quilt being made, I’m just unsure at this time what that quilt is).
This one is called So Sweet. Let me just say how impressed I am with the florals coming from Craftsy. I like em’. I want em’. I need em’. I’m going to need a bigger fabric budget too, that’s all there is to it. Give me some ideas to justify excessive fabric spending if you think of any.
Weren’t we just discussing Tanya Whelan fabrics? Yes, yes, I remember from right here. BUUUUTT, LOOOOOK! This is the Rambling Rose line! My favorite of all Tanya Whelan fabrics. Somebody pinch me, I’m dreaming I’m in some kind of world of fabric where I get to have/look/pet/own/hoard everything I want.
This bundle is a precut bundle and you get to choose your sizes, charms, layer cakes, jelly rolls or fat quarters (see you CAN get anything you want).
Okay, seriously, I have to stop now. There are 11 pages of fabrics on Craftsy and each page is FULL. I could sit here and list my favorites all day or you can just go and see for yourself. You should! You totally should go! Find all fabrics available on Craftsy here. Most are available by the yard, stash builder, or precuts.
One last little nugget of info….., did you see this? That makes me love Craftsy even more!
Happy Monday!