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Lately in March

Today is a random assortment of things I’ve been working on or doing this month.  I’m trying to make these end of the month posts a habit.  I like to reflect on what all I achieved or not achieved so that I don’t feel time has blown by and nothing has happened.  I want to remember.  Find all my Lately posts so far right here.

March has been a very difficult month for me personally and time-wise.  A tornado came through about two weeks ago and hit my daughter’s apartment, a total loss for her.  She has moved back home with us and into the bedroom off my studio.  I’m very happy to have her back home, but it’s also meant taking in her kitties and a complete rearrangement for all my things that covered that room.  Seasons of life are always changing.

There’s also been a wedding, a trip to South Carolina and with the lovely weather we have been having I’ve been having a hard time staying indoors.

What have you been up to?



This month in Emerge Circle of Do. Good Stitches, Amanda was lead quilter and she had us making flying geese, any variation, any method, any style, any size.  It was actually quite freeing.  I realize I did just a basic job of this block, but I’m a fan of a row of flying geese.  Remember this quilt?  Also, how much do I love that Sarah Jane print I fussy cut?  Oh, too much!!

See where this quilt is headed here.

For more information on my Do. Good Stitches work read this.


Here is a new WIP I started (like I needed another, right?):  The Daily Embroidery Challenge with Rebecca Ringquist.  Have I done it daily?  Absolutely not, but I’ve enjoyed every day that I have spent working on it.  Read more about this challenge here.

I have a huge fan of Rebecca’s.  Her original class on Creative Bug is how I learned to embroider.  I find embroidery to be one of the most relaxing and beautiful ways to spend one’s time.  One of the reasons I’m looking forward to summer is because I always end up doing a lot of embroidery pool side.

 If I could go on and on about Creative Bug for just a minute…..

If you have never heard of it and are a maker, any kind of maker, this is my favorite class source.  I like beautiful classes and Creative Bug really does a great job with this.  I’ve been a member for probably around 3-4 years and have made many of their projects.

I think I pay around $4.95 a month, but I believe it’s gone up just a little since then, but you get a month or so free so that you can see how you like it and if you have time to watch it.  I watch many of their videos while sewing.

The cool thing about their set up is though, let’s say that I paid for three months and then cancelled my subscription.  Each month I’ve paid I’m entitled to be able to watch one single class always.  So if I’ve paid for 7 months and then cancelled.  There’s 7 classes I can always have even after I no longer subscribe to Creative Bug.

My favorite quilt I’ve made from one of the classes was by far the Mod Corsage quilt here.   This was a class I took by Anna Maria Horner and it’s really what got me going down the road of sampler quilts and different sewing methods.


Fat Quarter ShopSpring Cleaning Online Fabric Sale


We wrapped up the Bari J quilt along this past week.  I’m planning on doing a post with lots of pictures and all that I’ve learned on my own site soon.  If you are wanting to start this quilt all on your own you can view all patterns here.

I am thrilled with this quilt and I’m hoping that there are more sampler quilt alongs in my future that are this rewarding.  I cannot tell y’all enough how much your encouragement has meant to me.  Think loads!

In the Modern Sewcialites BOM we had to do a house block this month.  I got to use some embroidery for this one.  Also, still dying a little over the Liberty fabrics.  They are the most luscious fabrics ever!!  I wrote a post earlier this month about this BOM here.

Liberty fabrics are from the lovely and kind, Ava + Neve.


 Earlier this month I released my latest quilt pattern, The Good Girl quilt.  Find it here.

This is such a relaxing quilt to make.  It’s simple, but dreamy.  I have a wedding to get to mid-April and I’m planning on remaking this quilt again.  In purples!

Do we want to make this quilt together in a quilt along?  Lemme know if you are interested.

I always get way more motivated when I have y’all doing something with me.

Purchase the pattern here.

About patterns, I’ve 3 new patterns on the horizon.  One is a devotion to all things low volume and is a sampler.  I’ve been working my hiney off on it for a month now.  Samplers are hard to make patterns for!  Anyway, I still have to make the quilt and then get it to testers, hopefully there will be testers because it’s kind of a big pattern.

The second is all about strips, cause you know how I love them.  And the third pattern is a re-release of my very first pattern ever that I removed from the pattern shop to update.  It’s another quick one.

Stay tuned for those.

Many of you have been sending me sweet little messages asking for a new quilt along.  I do currently have the Morning Sun Quilt along going on.  It’s a monthly one, so it doesn’t use up too much time.  Find the details for that here.  We are only on pattern three (releasing tomorrow) if you want to join in that.  If you are looking for something else, send me a little note and tell me what you are looking for.  I love hearing from you.

To stay up to date and not miss out on a quilt along, please sign up for my newsletter.  It’s the easiest way to stay in the know.  I only send out a monthly email about community and what’s going on, but if there are any announcements or new patterns or anything like that, you would get an email for that is well.


Product Spotlight

Fat Quarter (18″ x 22″) each of the 30 prints from Colorbox by Zen Chic for Moda

Purchase here.



Not sure if you’ve noticed, but I’ve recently created a page dedicated to making Dresden plates.  Find it here. I’ve covered from the very beginning to the very end, hopefully.  If you feel I’ve missed something, please just send me an email or leave me a comment and I’ll get back to you.

The page details different methods and tools and most all tutorials are by video so that you can learn easier if you are more of a visual kinda person (like me!).

I’m hoping I didn’t miss anything from this month!

What to expect next month

  • at least one new quilt pattern, maybe two.
  • a page dedicated to the brand new quilt maker to teach making a quilt from beginning to end.
  • something that will replace your current seam ripper
  • more finished quilt gazing

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