Housekeeping 8.6.2020


Hey, sweet friends.  I’m popping in here today to tell you about the self guided quilt along within the Anthologie quilt pattern.

I know there many quilters out there who miss out on quilt alongs, or don’t like the structure of a quilt along and they want to go at their own pace, but still feel like they are quilting with someone.  Or sometimes you only hear about a quilt along well after it’s passed, which is why I decided to give this built in quilt along a try with Anthologie quilt.  I’m calling it “Working on Anthologie”.

Anthologie is a 25 page pattern (a few more if you purchased the paper version).  It has 11 sections within the pattern.  At the bottom of the page for each section is a link you can click on if you purchase the PDF or a link that you will need to copy and paste in your browser if you purchase the paper version.  That link will take you to a post that will look and feel like the usual posts  you are probably familiar with for quilt alongs.  In it, you’ll find out what this section is, pictures of my own work, tips, the fabrics I’m using and things like that.  There’s also a video.  It’s not a tutorial.  It’s just a video of me working through that section of the quilt.  It’s meant to hopefully feel like we are working on a quilt together.  Maybe you will like it, maybe you won’t.  Of course, you can ignore it if you aren’t.  No worries!

I made these videos and wrote these posts as I worked on Anthologie the past month and a half and I have to get them published to this site, so they are going to start popping up.  Again, there is 11 of them.  I’ll post one each day until I’ve got them up.

This may be a bit inconvenient if you are subscribed to the blog and receive an email about every post and you have no interest in Anthologie.  I apologize in advance if that is the case, but these have to be published before the pattern releases.  I really appreciate your understanding.


Get the Pattern

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One Comment

  1. I am superexcited to participate and make my second Anthologie (the quiltalong that STARTED my obsession with quilting, AND rebived my LOVE of sewing!!) I kinda need that again now, as I have been in a sewing slump lately!! I’m blaming it on our new deality since stipid COVID has been on the scene….SO super glad and happy to have a new QAL to look forward to!!!

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