A Quilt Maker’s Tale – #9 – My Son in the Air Force

My grandmother could pull any quilt from her closet (that’s where she kept them) and tell you something about it.  One time she pulled one down for me and told me where each fabric had come from, some were clothing that her children had worn.  She remembered every piece.  Every quilt maker has a story to tell.  I want to collect those stories and share them with you. 

A Quilt Maker’s Tale is a series featuring stories from my readers about their experiences with quilts.  The stories are in the quilt maker’s own words and uses their own pictures.  If you’d like to be featured in this series, please have a look here.

See all the posts in this series here.


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By Sharon Woodward

My son was in the Air Force and he was deployed to Iraq which left me a nervous wreck.  I decided a challenging quilt was just what I needed to keep my hands and mind busy.  I decided to make a scrap pickle dish and worked on it through his entire deployment . As I finished the quilt top I kept wondering when he would come home- he surprised me on Mother’s Day morning right after the quilt was done being bound.  It became a very happy quilt for me!


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  1. I am enjoying reading these stories and seeing the beautiful quilts. The scrap pickle dish quilt is beautiful but looks very challenging. Looks similar to the wedding ring quilt that is one of my mother’s unfinished projects. I’m not sure I will ever finish it.

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