Inner Beauty Kits – Monday is All About Fabric – #253

Welcome back to Monday is all About Fabric!
Hey, hey! Hope you are well!
Inner Beauty quilt pattern releases this coming Friday! So we have a couple of kits for it we made up (more on coming).
New Fabrics at Meander + Make
- The Softer Side by Amy Sinbaldi comes in this week!
- Listen To Your Heart by Sharon Holland arrives this week!
Pre-order Updates from Meander + Make
- Fanciful by Sharon Holland arrives in November.
- Dark Fusion by AGF Studio arrives in November.
- Garden Therapy by myself arrives in December.
Today’s post is part of a series called Monday is all about Fabric.
I don’t know about you, but fabric is EVERYTHING! I love buying it, petting it and then gushing with you about it. I’ll show you my latest fabric purchases and where you can buy it too.

Get access to the Free Pattern Library
In addition to all of my free patterns, you’ll be able to stay connected and know when the next quilt along is or when a new quilt pattern becomes available.

Magic Potion Kit
This kit was curated for the Inner Beauty quilt. You will receive all the fabric needed for the 90″x90″ quilt top. Kit includes a fabric guide.
Grab a copy of my book,
A Life With Quilts
-Featuring five quilt patterns, throw to twin size. -Most of the pattern are scrap and fat quarter friendly. -All patterns are for all skill levels. -Includes methods and tips for choosing fabrics, finishing a quilt and personal stories.

Naturely Kit
This kit was curated for the Inner Beauty quilt. You will receive all the fabric needed for the 90″x90″ quilt top. Kit includes a fabric guide.

This week…
On Wednesday, we begin week 2 of the Attic Window Quilt. Thursday, I’ll be showing you my finished Inner Beauty Quilt and on Friday, I’ll be talking about the pattern release. See you then!