
Three Methods for Stitching a Corner Quilt Label ( video tutorial )

Hello, sweet quilt loving makers!

This is a post I have been meaning to write forever.  I do sell custom quilt labels, so a tutorial for how to add them to your quilt is lonnnnnng overdue.

Things you should note:

  1. You can purchase my quilt labels here.  They are completely customizeable to suit YOUR needs.
  2. The “why” you should label your quilt can be found here.
  3. The supplies I’m using are:  Havel’s Sewing curved tip embroidery scissors, basic embroidery needle, white sewing thread, and Pearl cotton thread.


Product Spotlight

● Professional quality, double-sided, self-healing
● Five layers thick to protect rotary blades and
● Multi-angled grid lines offer more creative cutting
● Fabric and mat won’t slide during use
● Outside dimensions: 36″ x 24″
● Gridded area for measuring: 34″ x 22″
● Measurements in inches on both sides

Buy rotary cutting mat here.


Tips for hand sewing applique method:

  • Put your needle into your quilt top (backing fabric+ batting only) just behind where your thread comes out of the fold of your label with each stitch.
  • Bring your needle out exactly in and out at the fold of the label.
  • Use your thumb in your non-sewing hand to help your needle come out in the right place.
  • If you don’t get your needle to come out of the fold, you will see your thread.
  • This is not easy if you’ve never done it before, but I PROMISE if you keep practicing it will start to be.

Tips for whip stitch applique method:

  • Consistency is key on this one.
  • Try to make your stitches spaced the same (don’t beat yourself up if you don’t).
  • Try to keep your stitches level or at the same place across the top of your quilt label.
  • Just like in the other hand applique method, you only want to sew into your quilt back and the batting.

Enjoy the video tutorial which is kinda long.  Sorry!  I wanted to make sure that you watched me do enough stitches.  Sometimes when I watch videos the more they do the same thing over and over, the easier it is for me to learn.

There are of course other stitches you could use to sew on your label.  A running stitch comes to my mind, which could be pretty is a brightly colored thread.

For more ideas, please see my “quilt label board” right here, orr check out the #quiltlabel on IG right here.

Get your own custom quilt label here.


Bella Solids by Moda Fabrics

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