Please help if you can

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This is Rachelle Sheer and her family.  Rachelle is a brand new quilter and has been working on the Little Miss Sawtooth quilt along.  She actually had all of her blocks completed before her house and all her belongings were destroyed in the fires last week in Paradise, CA.

You can read Rachelle’s story in her own words on her facebook page here.

They are currently living in a camper at a campground and have been completely devastated, underinsured and denied FEMA relief (though she has appealed that).


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Thank you for all your amazing help with this!  I am no longer in need of any blocks.  To see the quilts we made click here.


Rachelle contacted me a few days ago and asked if I’d be willing to donate a quilt, but I don’t keep many of my quilts, so I’ve decided to make her and her family a Little Miss Sawtooth QuiltI’m asking for your help with the blocks.

If there is any way you could help by making and donating any of the blocks to me, I would be so appreciative.  I want to get this quilt to her quickly and I know things will go faster if there are others who could help pitch in.

Here are all the details:

The blocks:

Please choose any of the blocks below.  You can make one or you can make more than one.  Anything you make at all will be appreciated.


I don’t want to put rules or restrictions with colors or fabrics on these.  I want to make it easy for you to donate, so please feel free to choose for yourself.  The picture above is Rachelle’s blocks that were destroyed in the fire.  If you want to use that for color reference, please do.  She was also using scrappy low volume for the background in the blocks.


I’m hoping to get all the blocks I need by December 1.  After that date, I’ll get the blocks put together and finish the quilt hopefully within the first week of December.  I’m wanting her to have this quilt by Christmas.

Where to send the blocks:

Please send your blocks to me.  Email me for my address and I’ll be happy to give it to you (sorry!  I just really didn’t want to post it on here).  Make sure to let me know this is for Rachelle’s quilt.


Rachelle also lost along with everything else, all her quilting supplies.  Havel’s Sewing has generously offered to donate her a new mat, rotary cutter and scissors.  How wonderful is that!  If you’d like to donate some supplies, please feel free to send them with your blocks and any cards you want to include, so that Rachelle knows who sent them.  If you’d prefer to send directly to her, you can do that too!


A past Little Miss Sawtooth quilt


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Thanks in advance for being so generous and kind!

Last spring my own daughter lost all her belongings in a tornado that destroyed her apartment complex near the Jacksonville State University campus, so I feel like I know how losing everything can affect you.  Many in my family pitched in to make sure Raven had at least her essentials, but that first week after the devastation was the hardest.  She didn’t have even the minimum.  She did end up with a little FEMA money after a couple months or so which was a huge blessing.  We had been sharing clothing  and I know Raven was glad to have all her own necessities once more.

Paradise, CA is in northern California.  I mentioned that they were living in a camper, but Rachelle says that it’s cold there and a quilt would be very much needed and loved.  Please help me make this happen if you are able.  If you are not able, please send good thoughts her way instead.

Thank you!


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  1. Good Morning! Would it be okay to share this information on my blog?? I would love to get the word out there, but don’t want you to be overwhelmed. Please let me know! Thank you. Blessings to you and your family. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Came here via Roseanne’s blog.

    Touching response to this woman’s inner creative need to maintain some sort of normalcy in her life regardless of the awful realities facing her and her family and others around her. A tangible offering of ‘help’.

    I’m wondering the practicality of this in terms of space to store/accomodate these lovely supplies that will no doubt come pouring in from quilters across the country…Boxes of hope showing love and concern but with no place to open them and work on the projects in the space of a mobile home already crammed with a family trying to live life in the aftermath of the wildfire tragedy.

    I love this, but still, I wonder…

    Quilty hugs to all.

    1. Hi. I do understand what you are saying, but Rachelle came to me asking for a quilt. When I mentioned to her that some were sending her supplies, she said it gave her something to look forward to.

        1. Oh no. No worries at all. I completely understand what you are saying. and you are right. She probably has quite a bit going on right now. I asked her about it though and she seemed grateful. I really can’t speak on the practicality of it all. Hugs!!

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