I am Enough Quilt Along – Pattern #5 – Trip Around the World Blocks

This post is a part of the I am Enough quilt along that starts September 28, 2018 and ends February 1, 2019.

If this is the first time you are learning about this quilt along then please read this post to find out the intentions behind the quilt along and more details.

To view all the posts concerning this quilt along, click here.

To view the email archives of this quilt along, click here.




We are halfway through!  How is that possible?

Today we are tackling the Trip Around The World blocks and at first glance these look simple and truthfully they are.  BUT!  There are so many seams and that means so many places for error.  Me and Kathy (my tester) both were groaning with our efforts.  🙂  But we pushed through it!!

And I think we both were quite pleased with the results even if everything isn’t 100% perfect.  That’s kind of the thing about making something handmade, isn’t it?


You are Enough

This week I got an email from someone struggling with fear of imperfections so much so that it was just holding her back from even beginning.  I feel like maybe we all do this in parts of our life.

When it comes to quilting just jump in and get your hands dirty.  Make the mistakes.  Groan.  Make an ugly quilt.  Make a dozen of them.  Learn.  Get better.  You got this!

One thing I love about quilting is every single person can do it.  It’s not something like singing or dancing where you have people that are just born with this natural ability (I know they work hard too, but still they are born with something).  Quilting is a learnable skill.  Piecing is a learnable skill.  There will be those who are better at putting colors together (hello, Tara Faughnan), but for the other 80% of this craft it’s putting the time in and getting better.  The actual doing of it is for everyone!

Stop scrolling through Pinterest and Instagram and sit down in front of your sewing machine and start making it happen, mistakes and all!

And if you feel that you totally got this and are no longer nervous or scared or have any doubts about your skills when it comes to quilting then say something encouraging to a newbie quilter.  Tell them what you wish you knew sooner.  Be the quilter that you needed in the beginning.  You will make them feel better and in doing so make yourself feel better.

This week while you are working on your very simple, but frustrating Trip blocks think of a tip you might give to a new quilter.  Maybe something you’d wish you’d known sooner?  When you post your progress this round on Instagram put your tip in the caption.



Today’s Lesson

Once more it all comes down to precision.  I’ll confess this one is kinda tough.  With all those seams there are so many places to make mistakes.  Did I make my mistakes cutting or piecing?  I’m not sure!  Setting yourself up for success in the beginning is my answer to this though.

This is not a fast block.  Accept it.  It’s a “one at a time” kinda block.

My best advice would be to starch your fabrics before you ever make the first cut.  Take your time cutting your squares.  What’s the old adage?  Measure twice, cut once.  When you get to piecing don’t try to rush through it.  Instead make sure you are sewing with a 1/4″ seam allowance.  Starch every time you press.  Fingers crossed you don’t end up with a block where everything was just a smidgen too big.

And if you do……let it be.



Pattern 5 – Trip Blocks

I am ridiculously smitten over this block.  I fussy cut my very centers and just had fun with the rest.  I cut up way too many squares and played until I liked what I had in front of me.  I see more of these in my future.


  • Your block should measure 18.5″ wide.  Mine was a half inch more than that.  You can see it in the left corner there of my picture.  I plan on trimming it down.
  • Nobody likes to press seams open.  We do it for less bulk.  Every seam except the borders are instructed to be pressed open for optimal flatness.
  • I mentioned the mini design boards I use for blocks such as these in the video tutorial.  Find the post here where I discuss them.
  • Take your time.  A quilt isn’t made in a day!
  • Don’t forget to have fun!

Onto the pattern!

Click the tab below to download the pattern and get started.  I cannot wait to see what you make!

Click here to download the pattern

Video Tutorial

Note:  The video teaches you how to make the Trip blocks, it does not go into section building.




Helpful Links

Havel’s Tools I use in the video



I just wanted to take a moment this round and gush about how kind Havel’s Sewing is and what a great company they are and how I feel absolutely honored to be connected to.  I absolutely love companies within the quilting world that take the time and connect with their community.  These are the kinds of businesses I want to support.  I’d like to say thank you to Havel’s for giving us this free quilt along and for all the prizes they are sending out.  The fact that the prizes being sent out exceeds what I mention each week has not gone unnoticed!

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