The Rescue Quilts – #3 – Old and New Tumbler quilts ( quilt reveal )

The Rescue Quilts – #3 – Old and New Tumbler quilts ( quilt reveal )

The Rescue Quilt series is about finishing up quilt tops that were never completed and then remaking the pattern. ย Sometimes I find easier / modern ways to make the quilt pattern, and sometimes I change up the pattern a bit to freshen things up. Sometimes I will offer the quilt pattern to you free, sometimes…

Monday is all about Fabric – #29 – Feline Myself by Dear Stella House Designer

Monday is all about Fabric – #29 – Feline Myself by Dear Stella House Designer

Oh, my, oh my, OH MY!!! I like when I stumble upon fabrics that I’m just not seeing on the internet/social media/email. ย And these fabrics were just that. ย Stumbled upon. ย It’s like they said, “hey Melanie, you love low volumes and you really love cats, so we made these just for you.” ย GIMME, GIMME, NOW!…

My start with quilts + A Dresden Quilt #4 – ( quilt reveal )
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My start with quilts + A Dresden Quilt #4 – ( quilt reveal )

  You know I’ve been working on this quilt longer than I normally work on a quilt. ย I don’t consider myself a fast worker, but I’m definitely steady. ย I work at quilts on the daily. ย It’s prolific for me. ย A daily ritual that lasts most of the day. ย I took hand quilting with me on…