I am Enough Quilt Along – Introduction and Supplies


This post is a part of the I am Enough quilt along that starts September 28, 2018 and ends February 1, 2019.

If this is the first time you are learning about this quilt along then please read this post to find out the intentions behind the quilt along and more details.

To view all the posts concerning this quilt along, click here.

To view the email archives of this quilt along, click here.



Hey sweet friends!

Today I’m excited to talk to you more about the I am Enough quilt along.  If you are already signed up then you have all this information in the email I sent to you last Saturday.

If you have not signed up yet, or signed up after Saturday afternoon (9/1/18), then today I’m giving you the supply list and Introduction for the quilt along.


Custom Quilt Labels
[easy-image-collage id=17147]

Shop Custom Quilt Labels


Are you ready?

I have been preparing for this day for SO long.  Lots of checking and editing and counting.  Hopefully, everything is juuuuust right.

Let’s jump right into it, shall we?

Today, we are discussing the I am Enough quilt along.  You will find out how much fabric you need and a few other helpful supplies.  Please don’t feel pressured to purchase supplies just because I’m using them.  In quilting there are always a dozen or so ways to achieve the same goal, so you don’t necessarily need what I’m using.  Do it YOUR way (which is exactly the theme of our quilt along).


Get the Introduction


Some side notes:  The quilt along will be taking place on Havel’s Sewing’s Sew Creative Blog.  That’s where each week’s PDF pattern will be released and the only place it will be available during the quilt along.  I will send you an email each time I release the newest pattern that will direct you to their blog.  If you visit my own blog, you will find a bi-weekly post there as well directing you to the Havel’s blog.  All prizes will be awarded on Instagram, so be sure you are posting your progress to be eligible.

If you think I’ve missed anything please shoot me an email.


My Quilt Patterns


Shop All Patterns Here


Helpful Links

Get Friendly

Quilt alongs are made SO much better when we are encouraging and supportive of those participating with us.  You are encouraged to make new friends and be chatty.   Like and comment on other participants progress photos and throw kind words around like confetti.  Follow the #IamEnoughQuiltAlong to become better acquainted with those that are participating.  Post the fabrics you are using, introduce yourself, or just repost the logo at the top.  Let the world know you are participating.

If you are interested in being a part of a DM group on Instagram, just contact me there and I’ll add you to the group.

Getting to know each other is part of the fun!

Have a friend you want to join in with you?  Get your friend to subscribe here.


Shop Here


Supplies we will be using

These supplies are optional and some of them you probably already have.  Feel free to go your
own way!


The Schedule

This schedule is for you to know when each pattern comes out. Don’t feel like it’s a schedule that you have to keep up to. YOUR pace is perfectly fine.

  • September 28 – YOUR Color Wheel
  • October 12 – French Braid
  • October 26 – Maker’s Hand, I am Enough +Monogram
  • November 9 – Hourglasses
  • November 23 – Trip Around the World
  • December 7 – Scallop Border
  • December 21 – Courthouse Steps
  • January 4 – New York Beauties
  • January 18 – Half Rectangle Triangles + Half Square Triangles
  • February 1 – Finished Quilt Top


The Good Girl Quilt

[easy-image-collage id=17146]

Get the Pattern


Below are some articles I’ve written about Havel’s Sewing and their products:

Shop Havel’s Sewing


Don’t forget to use coupon code “SouthernCharm7” and receive $7 off any purchase more than $25.



Thank you so much for participating in this quilt along!  I can’t wait to get to know you better.  And oh, I almost forgot!  I created a pinterest board when I designed this quilt.  View it here.

Order a Special I am Enough Quilt Label Here.

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