Quilt Reveal – 100 days Sky quilt

So there are quilts that you make that are super quick.  There are quilts that you make to get rid of your scraps.  There are quilts that you make that you are dying to make.  Then there are slow making epic quilts.  You know the ones.  The ones that might take you multiple months, years, etc because of their complexity.

The ones you start gung-ho making, then get sick of and not touch for long expansions of time, and then start working on like a mad woman because you are all in love again.

This is one of those quilts.

I started working on this quilt August 17, 2016.  I remember specifically because this quilt was part of a quilt-a-long sponsored by Gnome Angel.

Each day we were to make one single block from the book City Sampler by Tula Pink.

 There were prizes for winners chosen at random.  The only catch was you had to post a picture of the exact block of the day on the exact day.  It was a lot of fun.  You can view the quilt-a-long and the daily postings here.

There is nothing like quilting along with a group to keep you motivated.  When you have to post a particular block on a particular day, you will truly get it done.  Or that’s how it worked for me.  There were a few days I missed, life happens, but overall I felt pretty good.  I have joined many quilt-a-longs and I’ve never finished one.  So this was a big first for me.

To make things more interesting for myself I decided to base each of my blocks on the sky that day.  See my original post here.  Also this one and this one.  I felt like the weather girl each day.  I took a picture of the sky, recorded the temperature and weather and posted each block to my instagram feed.  It was fun!  It also did not allow me to cheat since I had to have a picture for each day.

Needless to say, my cobalt stash is obsolete.

I feel like this is the most epic quilt I’ve ever made.  It’s definitely taken the most patience.

My 100 days ended late November or early December, I can’t remember exactly, but I didn’t touch this quilt again til last week.  It sat up on my design wall, staring at me, judging me for leaving it be.  There were other quilts to make and obligations to fill.  Still it stared.

Then, I started it again.  And finished it.

There were some really cool layouts that people were making with this quilt.  I went with a traditional one.  Because each block was so special, I didn’t want them touching.  I felt like sashing let each one have its say and stand together, but individually as well.

My sashing is 2.5″  The borders were cut at 10.5″.  My quilt measures about 100″ square.  So it will more than fit a queen size and almost fit a king.

It took longer to make those blocks than it did to sew them altogether and get this finished up.

There are a few blocks that are my favorites.

The tiger, because obviously…..  Also, I’d like to make a quilt with just that block.  It’s pretty cool.

The very last block featuring a bee.

The tent block because we went camping that day.

And the sweet little girl stopping to smell the flowers.

I have been saving a bolt of Jennifer Paginelli cobalt blue damasks for this quilt.  I added in  sweet little floral to get it to size.  Looooove the back!

Gnome Angel is currently having a spring edition for the 100 days quilts again.  So you can join in and have a quilt like this of your own. All you need is a copy of the book which I linked to above.  Or if you don’t want to join a quilt along just get a copy of the book and make each block at your own pace.  Most of them were simple blocks, all measuring 6.5″.  It took me about 30 minutes each day to choose my fabrics and get the blocks made.

I am selling my quilt.  I know, I know!  Why would I do such a thing?  BUT selling quilts is my livelihood and these kids won’t stop eating and I need the lights to stay on so that I can continue making quilts by machine instead of with just my hands (because that’s exactly what I would do if I lived in a world without electricity.  I’d make them by hand.)  Can’t stop, won’t stop making. 🙂

You can find my Sky Quilt for sale here.

Big hugs!



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