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Quilt Reveal – Cara’s Quilt – another Tiny Patch Quilt 

Hey, hey!

Have you ever been given a quilt of a gift?

I have only been given one, and it was my great grandmother’s.  My heart sung that day.

I grew up in a house where there were no quilts.  I remember them at my grandparent’s house, but none lived with us.  These days, I am remedying that and filling every square inch of my house with quilts.  Come here and you will find a quilt on every bed.

I think the vast majority of people do not spend as much time as I do thinking and petting handmade quilts, but I think almost anyone could treasure one.

Two years ago, I made my nephew a quilt.  He was ten so I wasn’t expecting him to be too thrilled.  He probably wanted video games or something, but I am me so I gave him a quilt.

He pulled it out of the bag and hugged it.  My heart almost melted.

My brother sent me pics of his house after a remodel and I could see the quilt in the background draped over a chair, obviously used and loved.

Quilts are loved universally, even by ten year old boys.

Since that moment I have wanted to give more quilts as gifts.  Every family member shall have one.  No baby shall be born without one.  And if I’m going somewhere that gift might be given, why can’t it be a quilt?

So I have a birthday to go to Saturday.  Someone is turning 50 years old and a quilt will be her gift.

Due to my workload lately, it needed to be a quicker quilt.

And since I enjoyed pulling from my scrap buckets last week so much I thought I’d do it again and make another tiny patch quilt.

Two main differences in this quilt:  this one is made with 4.5″ squares vs. the 3.5″.  And instead of one same low volume print running throughout the quilt, this one features a multitude of low volumes.

I literally had to cut nothing for this quilt.  These were all already up in a bucket waiting for me.  See my storage method here.

I completely cleaned out the 4.5″ square scrap box.  It is emptied.  Maybe next week work on the 5.5″?  Nothing is as full as the 2″, but that is crazy small.

This quilt featured some REALLY old fabrics that have been in my stash for awhile, along with some special ones and some new stuff.

Like the denim.  Do you see it?  I am in LOVE with Art Gallery Fabrics denim.

This is the very first time I have done needle turn applique for a quilt label.  I didn’t have time to order my usual custom label with someone’s name like I normally do when I gift a quilt, so I opted for this instead.

I think it’s okay.  I wish I hadn’t added the red running stitch.

The back has several different pieces on it, but that floral is Tanya Whelan’s Lola Roses in White and it’s a new fave.  I’ll try to keep myself from putting it on the back of everything, but no promises.

Pattern Details

(113) 4.5″ print fabrics

(112) 4.5″ low volume fabrics

LAYOUT – 15 rows by 15 rows alternating print and low volume


Have a good weekend!

XO, Melanie

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