
Monday is all about Fabric – #24 – Random low volumes from Modern Studio Fabrics

So, here I am again.  Talking to you about fabrics!  I don’t mind because I reallllly have a thing for them, and if you tune into this post every Monday you prob have a thing for fabrics too!  Don’t we all?

Last week, I was browsing Etsy and not sure if you know, but there are A LOT of adorable fabric shops on Etsy.  Like you could get lost on there.  I found a ‘new to me’ fabric shop called Modern Studio Fabrics.  What I found cool about this shop is that all it sells is basics.  Yes!  I really want my stash to be made up of predominantly basics, so this is a real win for me.

My low volume stash has been at an all time low, and these were all on sale.  The sale is over now, but still,  these are great fabrics!

Here’s what I bought (left to right):

I’m the most excited about the “library cards”.  So cute!!  I can’t wait to use them.

And then this Shakespeare print is a very close second.

I know I go on and on quite often about low volumes and you see me purchasing them ALL.  THE.  TIME, but I use them in almost every quilt.  They are like what white solid was to my great grandmother in her quilts.  My go to.  I NEED them.  Quilts don’t feel like “me” until they are full of low volume fabrics.

This quilt was a personal favorite that I made.  As you can see, it’s mostly low volumes.

Other low volume prints on my “gimme, gimme” list


This coming Friday, we are starting the Little Miss Sawtooth Quilt along.  I’ll be using my low volume stash for my background on this quilt.  We will be making 15 star blocks and 15 low volume blocks that you can use fat quarters for or 6.5″ squares.  I can’t wait to start this and I really hope you will be joining in!


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