How To Spray Baste a Quilt on the Wall (video tutorial)


Hello, everyone!

I am so, SO happy you are here!  Today I have a basting tutorial for you and it’s a basting method I’ve been using since 2013 and I just love it so much.  I’ve been asked about it many times, but I’ve never been able to properly show it due to the fact that I didn’t have the proper equipment for a video.  Times have changed.  The video still isn’t the best, so please bear with me (and DO NOT make fun of my accent please!).  JK, it’s okay if you do.  🙂

I first learned about the spray basting method from Missouri Star Quilts (I would link to the tutorial, but I couldn’t find it).  I liked the method I saw demonstrated, but the way the quilt was going on the wall just didn’t work for me.  I had to find my own way of doing, and that is the way I’m going to teach you today.

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Make your Backing and Cut your Batting

Your backing and batting should measure 6″ larger than your quilt top width and height.  For example, our Little Miss Sawtooth quilt top measures approx. 60×72″, so we will cut batting to measure 66×78″ and make backing to measure that same size.

You may be thinking that there is some waste there, and you are correct, but it’s better than being too short and when we square up our quilt we are going to put those sides in our scrap bins and use them on down the line.

For backing, cut two pieces of fabric that measure 66″ by width of fabric.  Press them to remove the center fold.  Then, sew them together long ways with a 1/4″ seam allowance and press.  I used two different fabrics.  Feel free to play with your backing.  You can make it look any way you’d like or use as many fabrics as you want.  It just needs to measure 66×78″.

I like this batting.  I have tried MANY, but this batting is my favorite because of how it hangs.  It’s perfect for wall basting.  It doesn’t get those crinkled places or holes of extra fabric like some batting does.  It’s drape is the best I’ve used.  When you cut it to measure 66×78″ be sure that you cut straight.  It’s not the end of the world if you don’t (as you can see from my above picture it’s a bit wonky), but if the very top is straight it makes wall basting easier.

How to spray baste on the wall

A little caveat before you watch the video:  You will see on my wall before I begin the basting method that I have batting lining my wall.  Please ignore this.  That batting on the wall is my design wall and has nothing to do with basting a quilt.  I just happen to do this process on the same wall.

You will need:


a hammer

505 adhesive spray

safety pins

One more note about spray basting

You may have heard some rumors about this method, but note how many quilts I make on a regular basis and that this is the only basting method I have used since 2013.  I use it because it’s a great method and works for me very well.  The adhesive spray does not gunk up my machine.  It is an adhesive spray though, so you should keep an old sheet on the floor below where you will be basting to catch any spray that might fall.  There is not an overwhelming odor, but then I do not have allergies either.  You also may think this spray is expensive, but I can do 3-4 throw size quilts with 1 single can, and that’s not too bad.

If you do not like this method, that’s okay.  Baste with a method you find the most comfortable and works well for you.


step 1 – Hammer in nails along the top part of your wall (once you do this once, you never have to do it again).  The more nails you use, the more variety of quilt tops you can baste here.  I have about 12-15 nails and have them spaced about every 8″.  It’s important to keep the nails spaced the same distance apart.

step 2 – Hang your batting using safety pins.  Loop the safety pin onto the top left hand corner of your batting and close it.  Hang that safety pin from one of your nails.  Do the same thing all the way down the width of your batting.

step 3 – Smooth batting out until it lies flat against your wall.  It’s important not to have any slack in your batting.  Sometimes you will find some slack towards the bottom of your quilt.  Adjust the safety pins in the corners of your batting in a different place (higher or lower) until your batting is smooth, hangs flat and has no slack.

step 4 – Spray the left corner of your BATTING and smooth your quilt backing to it.  Remember that your quilt backing and batting are the same size, so should fit well on to your batting.  Continue spraying across the width of your batting and pressing quilt backing to the batting.  Do this in sections.  Spray, then press, move to the right, then spray and press.  Repeat this until you have sprayed all the way to the right corner.

step 5 – At this point your quilt backing is attached to the batting only at the very top.  Lift quilt backing up in the middle, spray BATTING, then press quilt backing on it.  Smooth from the middle to both sides of your quilt backing.  Do this in sections as well.  Your sections are (in order): middle, middle right side, middle left side, bottom middle, bottom right side, and bottom left side.  Spray and then smooth each section one at a time.  You should always smooth from middle to the sides.  If you find you have lumps, peel quilt backing off of batting where your lump is and smooth out.

step 6 – Remove your batting/backing from wall.  Do not take out safety pins.  Flip over so that your batting is showing once more and re-hang on nails.  Repeat steps 4 & 5 with your quilt top.  Your quilt top should be approx. 3″ shorter per side, so I usually try to center my quilt top onto the batting/backing.  This doesn’t have to be exact.

step 7 – Remove your quilt sandwich from the nails and remove saftey pins.  You’re all basted.




Don’t forget to share your quilt top on Instagram using the #LittleMissSawtoothQAL for a chance to win a quilt label (see my quilt labels here).  I’ll be choosing a label winner on November 6, 2017, and you must be caught up with all the published steps to be chosen.  More details on this in my original post.


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