10 Creativebug Classes for Quilt Makers

I’ve been wanting to write this post for a very long time. So many of you are always asking me what classes I’d recommend. So when I received an email saying Creativebug was offering a 59% discount on their annual subscription price, I thought it was high time.
Let’s jump right in to my favorite classes!
Big Stitch Hand Quilting
Teacher – Tara Faughnan
Time – 1 Hour
Skill Level – Intermediate
Thoughts – I got so much from this class!
Big imperfect stitches are my favorite way to quilt (even if I don’t get to do it as often as I like). And embracing my imperfections are exactly the way teacher Tara Faughnan shows you.
One of the things she says in this class is, “find YOUR stitch length”. As in the stitch length your own hands naturally make.
It was also really nice to take a hand quilting class where dealing with that knot was so detailed. It’s something often left out of hand quilting classes and I can’t tell you how frustrating that is.
Tara also has quite a knack for pairing colors. You may get googly eyes over all that she shows you.
Creating Color Palettes with Anna Maria Horner
Teacher – Anna Maria Horner
Time – 33 minutes
Skill Level – Beginner
Thoughts – I’ve watched this class about three times. I’m really a fan of all of Anna Maria’s classes. If you are having a hard time mixing your print fabrics, I think this is a great class to take. Also, learning to read the color wheel is a part of this class as well, which is immensely helpful when choosing fabrics. Anna also shows you a pattern for creating your own color wheel mini quilt which I plan to do some time.
Also let me be truthful and warn you that the whole time there are just luscious fabric bundles lying about and it really makes me want to go fabric shopping for them. Ha!
Mod Corsage Quilts with Anna Maria Horner
Teacher – Anna Maria Horner
Time – 41 minutes
Skill Level – Intermediate
Thoughts – I LOVED this class. I took this class probably around 2016 if I’m remembering correctly and made this quilt. I credit this class in showing me how to make a quilt improv style and building up sections without a plan. It really gave me an eye for the unconventional.
Now that I think of it, I really ought to make this quilt again!
Pineapple Quilt Block
Teacher – Heather Jones
Time – 22 minutes
Skill Level – Beginner
Thoughts – I took this class awhile back and I’ve still never made a pineapple block. This block is complicated, BUT amazing! It’s on my bucket list. I like Heather’s method and will more than likely use it when I do make it. Oh, some day, why don’t you ever get here?
Color Theory for Modern Quilters
Teacher – Heather Jones
Time – 24 minutes
Skill Level – Beginner
Thoughts – I took this class several years ago. It’s another class to help you understand the color wheel. I really learned a lot in this short class. Heather is a very modern quilter and uses solids often. She’s a great teacher too. She has several different ways to show you how to up your game while learning.
Wholecloth Quilting: Machine and Hand-quilting Techniques
Teacher – Anna Maria Horner
Time – 40 minutes
Skill Level – Intermediate
Thoughts – I only recently took this class and to be honest the only reason I did so was to have something going on in the background while I was sewing (which I do a lot), but my sewing came to a stop and I ended up watching the whole class with all my heart eyes. I could feel the inspiration pumping heart to mind and my fingers were itching.
I haven’t started a whole cloth quilt yet, but it’s on my list. I’ve already got my fabric picked out and I’m very very excited about it.
Color Dive Half Square Triangle Quilt
Teacher – Anna Maria Horner
Time – 30 minutes
Skill Level – Intermediate
Thoughts – The cool thing about this class is it comes with a free Anna Maria Horner quilt pattern.
She shows you how to break your stash into color groups and choose fabrics for this quilt from there. It’s all very inspiring.
I haven’t made this quilt yet, but that’s okay. Sometimes even if you are not interested in making the thing that a class teaches, you can still pick up new skills from a class. That’s very true with this class. I’ve never taken a class that I didn’t learn something. Even picking up small details from another maker can be helpful and crucial to upping your quilting game.
Double Wedding Ring Quilt
Teacher – Tara Faughnan
Time – 59 minutes
Skill Level – Beginner
Thoughts – I’m not sure I’ll ever make this quilt. If I do make it, I’m not sure I’ll make it Tara’s way, BUT she is ridiculously cool and inspiring. I get a little hung up in her method, because it’s exactly how my great grandmother would have made a quilt: she hand sews the whole thing. To be honest, I’d really love to make a quilt that way, just once even. But it would be an undertaking, maybe some day.
And just like with all of Tara’s classes, her way of putting colors together just blown my mind. I consider her the best I’ve seen at this. She also has this little chat about her color palettes on CB as well which I found intriguing.
Embroidery Sampler
Teacher – Rebecca Ringquist
Time – 1 hour
Skill Level – Beginner
Thoughts – This is embroidery and not quilting, but I’m a quilter who LOVES embroidery, and particularly when added to a quilt. I’ve recommended this class many times and it didn’t feel right not to include it here.
This class was the springboard for all of my embroidery endeavors and remains one of my most watched and favorite classes on Creativebug. I simply can’t say enough about it.
There are many stitches in embroidery and I often don’t use them all very often. I always come back to this class when I need to learn again one in particular as a refresher.
If you’ve ever wanted to learn to embroider this is the class! And Rebecca is a wonderful teacher.
Gaga for Granny Squares
Teacher – Cal Patch
Time – 43 minutes
Skill Level – Beginner
Thoughts – I know this is not a quilting class, but I just really loved it and felt the need to share. I love crochet. My grandmother taught me to crochet several years ago before she passed away. She was an avid crocheter, it was her biggest passion. Just like embroidery, there were things I kept forgetting with crochet in the beginning and when I wasn’t near my Grandma, I took this class to keep the information coming to me constantly while I learned.
This class will teach you to crochet granny squares and if you can crochet a granny square, you can crochet almost any similar project.
Remember when we added crochet bits to our Anthologie quilt? This class would have been helpful for that.
So how does a Creativebug subscription work
Classes are not a la carte like many other class websites. Instead you pay a set price every month or year and you can watch as many classes as often as you want. Regular monthly price is $7.95. I’ve got mine set up where it comes out automatically from my Paypal account. You can cancel anytime. If there’s a spell of time where you just don’t have time, cancel, and then when you have more time, sign back up.
You can also purchase annually. An annual subscription is normally around $100, but right now you can get it for $49 for a whole year. If you decide to continue after that year, they will let you pay only $4.95 a month.
There’s a lot more on there than quilting too! Take a browse around and see if something interest you.
If you’ve taken any of the classes I mentioned above or have any other recommendations for me, please leave them in the notes below. I love recommendations!!
Awesome list!! I had signed up for a Creativebug membership, after trying it on your embroidery recommendation, and I just love it! The quality of the classes is amazing, especially at such a reasonable price! I am on there all the time, i have been looking at some of the garment sewing classes recently, esp for babies ? but there is a ton of great stuff. I also like that you can keep 1 class every month with your subscription, even if u unsubscribe later….
Oh! Isn’t that embroidery class the best?! It’s still my fave. ?
I just (finally!) signed up for Creative Bug because of your recommendation and the great deal they were offering. Thanks for sharing that info! When fall hits up here (gotta enjoy these Michigan summers to the fullest!) I will spend some time checking out the classes you recommended. So glad I found you on Instagram and here!
Thanks, Joan! I hope you enjoy the classes. ?