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The Quilt Maker’s Toolkit – The Bottom Line + MicroQuilter Threads by Superior Threads + King Fisher Stitch-Along + a GIVEAWAY

Today’s post is a part of a series called The Quilt Maker’s Toolkit, showing and teaching about the products I use while I make my quilts.

There are no products in this series that I do not use and use often, though sometimes my opinions may change as I grow and move along in my journey of quilt making.  To view all posts in this series click here.




Hiya, quilty peoples!

As you know Rachel from Stitched in Color has been hosting a stitch along for everyone to learn English paper piecing and make a GORGEOUS quilt called “Kingfisher” that she and Jodi designed.  I spoke about this last month in this article.

A couple of weeks ago, she asked me if I would try stitching with some threads that she is using and post my thoughts on them, so Superior Threads sent me two of their threads to try (this is after I wrote the big thread article).  The two threads were:  The Bottom Line and MicroQuilter.

Superior Threads has offered one of my readers a $30 gift certificate!  So be sure to scroll to the bottom to find out how to enter this giveaway.


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My EPP Supplies

Now that I’m doing EPP everyday I’ve updated some of my favorite supplies (I’ll tell you why in just a bit).

Favorite Supplies:


The yellow thread is this picture is MicroQuilter 100 wt. The black thread is The Bottom Line 60 wt.


The Bottom Line

  • 60 weight polyester thread.
  • I’m using it for hand sewing.
  • They say it also makes a great bobbin thread.


In my big thread article last month I went on quite a bit about how much I loved this thread for hand sewing my hexie flowers.  When I was offered a few new threads and a gift certificate for one of you, I was already using this thread.

I have tried MANY threads for hand sewing and I’m very sold on this one.  Here’s what I like about it:

  • It’s very thin, which makes it easy to hide my stitches.
  • It’s polyester, and it has some bounce to it.  I’m fond of pulling my stitches tightly and I haven’t had this thread snap on me yet.
  • I like the color silver the best!  It’s a great color to blend and means I don’t have to run out and buy a bunch of color threads for matching (except for dark colors).  It’s been hiding well with all my greens and reds and low volumes very well.
  • It’s also smooth.  Like butter.  I’m not experiencing any tangling or having to tug my thread through.  When I pull, it slides.



If you zoom into this picture you can really see the difference on these two hexies flowers.  The one on the left (the green) is sewn with a 40 weight polyester thread that I liked until I found The Bottom Line.  The flower on the right (the blue) is sewn with the Bottom Line thread.

I liked the thread I was using prior to the Bottom Line, but I could see most of my stitches.  It’s really just fine, I’m anal sometimes, but not a perfectionist, but if I can make those stitches disappear, then why wouldn’t I?  In the blue flower, you can’t see my stitches.  Even when I make a mistake like a bigger bite of fabric, my stitches are very minimal.

And ya’ll, I’m not that great at hand sewing!  I’m working on my consistency.  I’ve still noticed several things that I could do better, but this thread has really taken me up a notch.  I’m very grateful to all of you who have turned me on to it.

I’ve got a list of things for me to work on and that’s what is putting me off doing video tutorials of hexie flowers.  I’m not sold on how I make my knot and I’m looking for a better way to do that.  When I feel like I’ve perfected “my” way, I plan on showing you.

Buy The Bottom Line here on Superior Threads website, or here on Amazon.




  • 100 weight polyester thread
  • Designed for micro stippling, stitching in the ditch and detail quilting
  • Also perfect for invisible machine applique
  • And according to me, the single best thing that ever happened to hand applique

So this thread is brand new to me.  As soon as I got it, I did my usual quilting meander pattern.  You can see it in this quilt.  It is dainty and fine, a perfect thread for blending into your quilt and disappearing like when you want the quilt design to pop and not the actual quilting.  I did have to change my needle to a 70/10 to make my machine accept it.  I thought with the horror stories I’d heard about extra fine thread being tangly I was going to have trouble, but I promise you there was not a lick of anything like that.  No tangling.  No breaking.  Just make sure you do change that needle.

If you like to stitch in the ditch (I do not), this is a very good thread for that.  You won’t see this thread, it literally disappears.



What I will be using this thread for the most is hand applique (probably machine applique too, but I haven’t tried it yet).  Look at my stitches in the picture above!  My skills have SO FAR to go before they are great when it comes to hand applique.  I tell no lies to you when I say that though I love hand applique, I need more practice.

This thread being so fine and with it’s ability to disappear has certainly made me feel as though I’ve GOT THIS.  All this time I think I just suck, but look!  It was the thread!

MicroQuilter also has all the same qualities of The Bottom Line, it’s just thinner.  So it’s smooth and buttery too without being tangly.

Buy MicroQuilter here on Superior Threads website.



One Con

So the one con I have about the thread is that it is so thin and smooth that it has a habit of falling out of my needle.  This can be extremely frustrating, especially when you are on a roll making your hexie flowers.  Nobody wants to stop and re-thread a whole lotta times.

This is what’s made me slightly change my favorite supplies list I mentioned above.  I was using a needle with too big of an eye.  I swapped to milliner needles and use the one with the smallest eye.  Now my thread doesn’t slip out.  Problem solved.


Superior Threads



The Giveaway

Superior Threads is offering one of you sweet readers a $30 gift certificate to their website.  That’s like SO many threads for you!

Leave a comment below telling me what you’d buy with that $30 and your email so that I can reach you if you win.  I’ll edit this post on Monday announcing the winner.  Good luck!

Edited 7/2/18:  Winner of the $30 Superior Threads giveaway is Gina.  Gina’s comment said, “I’d never put much thought into thread quality until you began to post about it… I’ve always just bought my thread at a big box store. I’ve recently made huge changes to my fabric choices based on your advice. I would love to try new thread as well.”

Gina, I am passing on your email address to Superior Threads.  They will contact you about your gift certificate.  Thank you all for participating!

Go and check out Rachel at Stitched in Color.  She’s going to be posting her thoughts about these two threads in the near future as well and she is always so helpful and thoughtful when it comes to fabrics and other supplies.  I’m all ears at everything she has to say.


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  1. I do a lot of hand piecing and hand quilting so I would probably try the Bottom Line 60 wt. I don’t like to see my stitches either. I also would like some good quilting needles. I don’t have a favorite and am still trying to find the perfect one.

  2. I’d never put much thought into thread quality until you began to post about it… I’ve always just bought my thread at a big box store. I’ve recently made huge changes to my fabric choices based on your advice. I would love to try new thread as well.

  3. I would buy these threads! They sounds like just what I need for an upcoming project! And I have been desperate for a thick mustard hand quilting thread…. just need to find the right one.

  4. I have found that the Bottom Line thread is also great for hand stitching down multi colored binding! Thanks for the tip about using a needle with a smaller eye; the needle falling out has been an issue for me as well. I would buy some So Fine #50 with the gift certificate.

  5. I’m seriously considering hand appliqueing my kingfisherqal flowers to the diamonds so I would love to try the 100 weight thread. With $30 I’m sure I could find several things to try! Lisamcgriff @ Hotmail . com

  6. I love the bottom line thread. I love KingTutt also. Superior Thread is just superior ??
    Thank for the contest.

  7. I’d buy some of that thread and of course more fabric! Thanks for all of your advice too! x

  8. Love looking at all your handmade things you seem to b so down to earth and would b easy to b a friend. Im from California and would love to go on a southern trip. I would use the tread to do my cross stitch and my quilts we are all interested in new thread well at least I am. I love all the colors.

  9. I am new to EPP and so I would spend my winnings on threads! Colors, weights, not sure which, but definitely thread!!!

  10. hello. If I were lucky enough to win, I think that I would like to try Superior Threads – they feature a round ring with multi colored bobbins that have captivated me! I’ve been using Aurifil and am ready for a change!
    Thank you.

  11. I have tried both of the threads that you’ve mentioned in your blog. My favourite has to be Wonderfil 100wt Invisfill thread. The bottom line thread kept snapping during my epp project. I would definitely try other superior threads though and would use this voucher for some and for some new, handpiecing needles.
    Love all of your blogs, I always learn so much ? ❤️

  12. This was so informative! While I’ve been a traditionalist and generally use all cotton threads, I sure would love to try the micro thread for my next applique project. Thanks for sharing this info with us.

  13. I would want to order both of these threads. Plus I saw a lot of items on you website that are calling to me !

  14. Try tying a one-line knot extremely close to the eye of the needle. It has saved many re-threading while making my hexies.

  15. I love their SuperBobs Bottom Line 35 pack set. I have a big spool of their bottom line in off-white and love it

  16. Hi Melanie, If I won a 30$ gift card, first I would do a happy dance, then buy some superior thread. I have been wanting to try it after reading your blog post about thread. I think that was one of my major mysteries about quilting, which thread to use. It was very helpful for you to put them all to the test! Thanks

  17. Melanie, my longarm only likes Superior Threads. Think I’ll buy white so I can quilt my Boho Quilt!

  18. I have a roll of beige bottom line thread and I love it so I would buy a smokey grey colour for the darker fabrics and I would love to try the microquilter. I found that if you thread your needle with a double thread and tie a slip knot over the eye of the needle it won’t unthread

  19. I would try both threads you mentioned on my Anthologie quilt. I think they would work perfectly!

  20. I would get new thread! A beautiful rainbow ? of fresh colors! Lots of stitching going on over here!

  21. I have tried Bottom Line thread from Superior but Micro Quilter& One Con are new to me and I would love to try them. Have participated in Suerior’s Block of the Month and Superior University and they have always offered
    quality products that I have been very happy with.

  22. Hello from Down Under – I am making my grandson a hexie quilt and would love to try the Bottom Line thread you have been using. Sounds terrific for making my stitches disappear!

  23. I’m on my first EPP project and it would be great to see how much of a difference a quality thread makes. Thanks for the input and opportunity!

  24. I like Superior thread a lot. I have used King Tut and Masterpiece for quilting. Love their titanium needles, too. I would give Bottom Line a try on your recommendation.

  25. So far, I’ve only used cotton thread in my quilts—I would like to check out the polys and the microquilters to compare!

  26. I’ve been frustrated with my cheaper thread. Thread gloss has helped but I am definitely going to try these two threads. Thanks for such good info. If I won the GF, I would order both these threads!

  27. Hello, nice to see a sewing themed contest! My picks would be a cone of Kimono thread ( love the sheen, the smoothness) and a cone holder,

  28. I’ve been wanting to try Superior’s MasterPiece quilting thread, so I would buy that with the $30.
    But I love Bottom Line for EPP!!! My favorite is the silver color too.

  29. I started hexies o improve my hand stitching. I have a long way to go. If I were to win I would use the gift card for thread.

  30. I’ve been wanting to try the superior 60 wt but haven’t had a chance yet – didn’t want to order online since I don’t want a bunch of spools if I don’t care for it or have to pay a lot of shipping. Thanks for the giveaway – would be a great chance to try it!

  31. I have just 3 large spools of Bottom Line thread now: white, black, and light blue. I love this thread!! So I would use the prize money to buy 2 or 3 large spools of BL…in tan, taupe, and ivory.

  32. So glad you demonstrated using Superior’s Bottom Line thread for hand stitching your hexies. I always use Bottom Line when machine piecing my quilt tops. After seing your results, I will now use it for hand piecing my hexies too. I will be purchasing MicroQuilter now too and try my hand at machine quilting with quilting rulers. Thank you for all this great information. I love Superior Threads and have turned all my felliow quilters into users also.

  33. I’ve been using Bottom Line in the bobbin for a while now and love how that’s working! I have one spool of Microquilter but haven’t tried it yet. So, I would probably order more of the Microquilter.

  34. I would love to try the microquilter thread as well as the masterpiece cotton threads. I am in need of some fun colors for quilting! The variegated threads might find a way in to my cart, too!

  35. I would definitely like to try the bottom line thread as I’m new to epp. I’m slowing stitching hexies for the qal. Currently I’m using cotton 60 wt thread and there is definitely room for improvement. There are also some other threads I would love to try from superior threads!

  36. I would use part of it to buy the “Try Me Specials.” This way I can try different threads at a lower cost. I also need a couple different colors of Bottom Line and MicroQuilter for a couple of planned projects.

  37. I’ve been dying to try The Bottom Line for a while so I would definitely start there. The MicroQuilter is very intriguing as well. Loved your thread article 🙂

  38. I have been trying to understand how to use the different threads in piecing and quilting. I really appreciate your information about this. it will be so helpful. if I got a gift certificate for superior threads, I would get the bottom line and quiltmaker thread.

  39. I am also not a perfectionist, but hate it when my stitches show. I would definitely check out the Bottom Line thread. I can take all the help that I can get 🙂

  40. I know this is an old post and maybe you’ve already discovered this trick, but I’m sharing it with you just in case. I use 100 weight silk thread for hand applique and was having the same problem with the needle unthreading itself as I sewed. The solution is that, after threading the eye of the needle, you take the thread around and thread the eye of the needle again, so the thread is wrapped around the eye of the needle and goes through twice. With super fine threads like silk, Bottom Line, or Microquilter, the thread is so thin that the extra loop at the eye is completely unnoticeable when you’re sewing. The needle glides through your fabric just as easily as it did before, but no more unthreading over and over again! Happy stitching!

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