I am Enough Quilt Along – Pattern 2: French Braid


This post is a part of the I am Enough quilt along that starts September 28, 2018 and ends February 1, 2019.

If this is the first time you are learning about this quilt along then please read this post to find out the intentions behind the quilt along and more details.

To view all the posts concerning this quilt along, click here.

To view the email archives of this quilt along, click here.






Last week, we made YOUR Color Wheel and today we are following that up with the French Braid.  I LOVE this pattern.  I could see me making a whole quilt with this block.  My favorite part is the ombre look that we are going to be diving into this week.  It allows for a lot of fabric play and who are we kidding, you and I both know that picking fabrics is half the joy.


You are Enough

I think that most of us are pretty aware of our flaws.  I know I am.  I have so many pet peeves when it comes to my house.  God forbid you leave the cabinet doors open in my kitchen.  You will get the stink eye all day long.  There are lots of tiny things like that about me, silly, petty things that get under my skin, that don’t really matter (most of them are all about my house though).  Of course, the things I do always seem to be okay.  It’s just the bothersome things of someone else.  My husband calls it “selective analness”.  That’s another thing that’s a pet peeve of mine, the husband telling people about this flaw of mine.  There are many.  I’m only scratching the surface.  I’m sure you have yours as well.  It’s much better to be aware of them and this way I can think twice before getting naggy with my teenage son about things that aren’t that important (like his strange habit of always leaving the microwave door open).  🙂

But what are your strengths?  What is one thing that you are good at and pride yourself on?  I’m sure you do many things very well, but do you have something that you think is above and beyond?

While you work on your French Braid block, take a moment and think of one of your strengths.  I’ll be doing the same.  It’s healthy to like something about yourself and you’ve got plenty to love yourself for.  If you post your progress picture on Instagram, list your strength or strengths in the caption.  I’ll be doing the same.



Today’s Lesson

We are making French Braid today.  Before we get to it let’s get a few color lessons out of the way.

If you are a pro at color, please feel free to skip the lesson, if not let’s learn some color basics.

What is ombre?

Ombre is arranging colors from one hue to another, like light to dark, blue to green, or anything reallyTake a look at this board if you aren’t getting it quite yet.

On my French Braid I’ve chosen to go from my lightest fabrics (low volume, which are also my background) to my darkest fabrics (the blacks).  I’ve also decided to add in blues and grays to get me there.  You may choose something completely different.  Whatever color or colors you pick, put them in order from lightest to dark or darkest to light.

But we are working with fabrics

For some, working with print fabrics instead of solid colors can be hard to do.  Here are some tips:

  • Focus on the background color of the fabric.
  • If a fabric has a darker background, but more printed designs, maybe it doesn’t belong at the very bottom, but somewhere above that.
  • Notice the busyness of the fabric.  The less designs/motifs of the fabric, the lighter or darker the fabric can look.
  • There’s no right or wrong.  Go with the look that pleases YOU.


Pattern 2 – French Braid

There’s really no rules for this pattern.  Pick as few or as many colors as you like.  There’s much room for creativity here.  You can put them the same as I did or opposite.  You could even start out light get dark and go back to light.  Use this pattern as a way of showing your own style.

Onto the pattern!

Click the tab below to download the pattern and get started.  I cannot wait to see what you make!

Click here to download the pattern


Video Tutorial



Tips for Piecing

  • Be aware that as you sew, your braid is on the bias and has a stretch to it.  Try not to pull and tug, so that the piece doesn’t distort.
  • The pattern for piecing is:  sew, press, grab the next piece, then repeat.  Always rotate which side you sew the next piece on to.
  • Don’t let your piece dangle off the table when trimming.  This will alter the size it reads.
  • The 6.5″ square is only there to give you a starting place and a lot of wiggle room for error when trimming.



Helpful Links

Havel’s Tools I use in the video



I am loving looking at your progress on Instagram.  Don’t forget to follow and like the posts of other participants.  A kind comment or two can make someone’s day.


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