
Introducing Quilt Class

Hello! Today I just wanted to do a quick post and introduce you to Quilt Class, my new classroom style website. On Friday, I’ll introduce the new classes. Today is just about Quilt Class in general.

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About Quilt Class

I have officially been working on this for 7 months and FINALLY its doors are opening.

You may be a self taught quilter (I am!) and it’s a great way to learn! Learning from your mistakes is probably the biggest teacher, right?! You just “wing” everything and see what happens. I am not knocking it! I’m a lifetime subscriber of this method. The problem with it though is it can take years to learn basic skills and you can end up really frustrated or taking longer than you need on something small.

That was my number one reason for opening up Quilt Class! I wanted a classroom setting where you see all the ins and outs that you won’t get from working through a quilt pattern on your own. There’s nothing quite as helpful to your skill set as working through a quilt with somebody who knows how to do it. There’s nothing more helpful than being able to watch a video over (when you can’t be with a teacher in person at least) and over until you GET it!

I’m sure there are several of you who have taken online classes before and are familiar with the style (pictured above). I’ve taken art classes and some marketing classes and some other classes here and there and I really wanted to create a site that had a similar feel and was organized and easy to manage.

Looking at the screen shots above, you’ll notice that a couple of them have the actual class shown on the screen. Off to the left is your lesson plan. As you work through the class, the lessons get checked off as completed. You can pop in and out, stop and start, forget about it and come back or watch it as many times as you need. If I shut Quilt Class down in the future, the classes that you purchased will still work for you and be forever available.

All of the classes come with the pattern that they are about. Some have slides and demos, some will have just videos. All are broken down into bite sized sections.

I’m hoping to release a class every month or two from this point on, assuming this method of learning goes over well. Some of the classes will be about new things, and sometimes it will just be working through a quilt pattern together. I’ll be labeling every quilt as beginner, confident beginner, or intermediate so that you’ll know if it’s for you.

Each class has a main page that tells you what the class is about and what lessons are included. Some of the classes will work through every step of the quilt including the finishing, particularly the beginner classes. Some classes will be about just the quilt top. Some will be smaller projects or learning new skills. It’s important to read the main class page so that you know what is included with each particular class.

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