Precision Workshop and Patchwork Star Runner – Pattern + Class Release
I’m really excited today to release my first two classes over at Quilt Class: Precision Workshop and Patchwork Star Runner class.
The Patchwork Star Runner is also available in pattern form, if you didn’t need/want the class. It’s in PDF and paper booklet’s here.

Patchwork Star Runner
Let’s talk about this one first! There’s a lot of ways to get this pattern:
- You can take the class here (comes with pattern).
- Get the PDF download here.
- Get the paper booklet here.
You can choose which way works best for you. I’ve created the class for a brand new quilter. Think: Introduction into quilting. We walk through everything together. Here’s a list of everything that is included in the class:
- How to choose fabrics
- How to read a quilt pattern
- How to make the blocks and how to put the top together
- I teach you two ways to baste the quilt: spray basting and pin basting
- Then, two ways to quilt the quilt: free motion quilting and straight lining. I go into some serious details with this. We go over planning, how to put the feet on your machine, and how to do both of these quilting methods thoroughly.
- Last, I show you two methods for binding: machine binding and chunky hand stitch binding. I also teach how to make the binding, how to sew it on the quilt, and also some serious thought processes when deciding what you want to do.
This class is definitely perfect for the beginner, but it’s also great if you are already a quilter, but struggling to finish your quilts. Everything you learn in this runner class on finishing can be applied to all future and bigger quilts.
Here’s a little video I made about it:
A few more details about the class
- Self paced, come and go as you please.
- No time to be there, no schedule to keep.
- Once the class is purchased, you will always have access to it.

See all the different blog posts on Patchwork Star Runner here. Also, keep scrolling! I have pics from some of my testers who made the runner at the bottom of this post.

About Precision Workshop
Precision Workshop is the other class that releases today. This class is geared to the struggling quilter during the block making phase. Raise your hand if getting everything the correct size is a constant frustration!
What’s so bad about getting one small unit the wrong size is that it affects EVERYTHING! If your unit is the wrong size, so is your block. If your block is the wrong size, you’ll struggle sewing the blocks into a quilt top.
I feel there are 4 reasons that are causing all of your frustrations. In this class, I teach you everything about how to find what is the root problem and how to make it go away. You want to sew peacefully, contently, and have everything work out just right.
Ok, obviously that won’t happen EVERY time…lol. But taking your time and doing certain steps certain ways can help you. Once you learn these methods, the majority of your problems are going to fade.
Let me be clear, this is BASIC quilt block sewing fundamentals. We are not making an amazing quilt in this class (although I hope you are joining in on all those quilt alongs I’m hosting this year). If you are FRUSTRATED, this is the class for you!
We do make a couple of blocks together in this class to test out our new skills, so there’s a couple of block patterns included. You’ll also receive my Precision PDF which includes in written form everything I chat with you about in the class. There’s also a pattern for turning those blocks into pillows.
Here’s a little video:

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Here’s a look at my testers work on both the Patchwork Star Runner and the pillows they made from Precision Workshop
If you click the images, it will take you their maker’s IG account.