Troubleshooting Flying Geese Units – Video Tutorial

Flying geese units are pesky little things, and even when you do everything right they can come out troublesome. But WOW, are they used in a lot of blocks. They are amazing shapes and you can make so many beautiful things with them.
In this post, I’ll show you how to make 4-at-a-time flying geese (in a separate video) just in case you need those instructions. The video includes all my flying geese tips (it’s a bit of an older video).
But then, I’m going to show you one way of how to correct them when they give you a little trouble. This method is the one I use the most, because when I have a flying geese that comes out wonky, it’s almost wonky the exact same way (which is actually the easiest to correct).
Here we go…

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Troubleshooting flying geese
If you are finding that you don’t have that 1/4″ of space, it’s more than likely a cutting error. Although, it could also be a pressing error if you aren’t a gently presser. I have found that the majority of times when I DON’T have that 1/4″ of space it’s because my small squares were too small or my larger square was too big.
My number one rule for flying geese is to starch your fabric before you cut the pieces for them. Starch makes your fabric crisper. Crisper fabric makes it easier to get better results.
If you find that you have these kind of struggles with your sewing and you are frustrated, check out my Precision Workshop class. It really deep dives into what the cause of your frustrations are when it comes to cutting fabric, sewing, and pressing.
Supplies In the video:
- Rotary Cutter is from Havel’s Sewing (use my ambassador coupon SOUTHERNCHARM7 and receive $7 off any purchase over $25)
- Fiskers cutting mat
- Omnigrid rotating cutting mat
- Creative Grids small ruler
- Dingo cutting table is from Arrow Sewing (use my ambassador coupon code MELANIE20 for 20% off)

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