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What is birthing a quilt? (and tutorial)

I don’t like the name of this.  Birthing a quilt.  Who named this process that?  I definitely prefer calling it the ‘inside out method’.

I was asked to make a quilt without any batting, so that it would be thin for a photography prop.  And promptly decided that this would be the perfect time to check off something on my bucket list: tying a quilt

A tied quilt is a quilt that you are not using needle and thread to quilt, instead you use yarn or embroidery floss and you literally “tie” it.  Click here for pictures.  They are fascinating to me!  And I love yarn so….. I’ve been all about trying this for sometime.

Most tied quilts are made using the “birth a quilt” method.


I used a layer of patchwork for my top, a layer of flannel for my middle and a backing layer.  You also need yarn and yarn needle.  I used this one.


Lay your flannel down on a hard surface, then your backing fabric on top of that, right sides facing up.  Then, lay you patchwork quilt top, face down, on top of your backing fabric.  Stitch with a 1/2″ seam allowance all the way around, leaving about a 8″ hole.

Using your hole, you now want to turn your quilt inside out.  Pulling through the hole.  Be sure to pay attention to your corners and make sure they pop out correctly.  Lots of people trim them before turning, but I never do.  Give it a good press.

Pin your hole closed like the picture above.  Then stitch with a 1/4 seam allowance all the way around the quilt once more, stitching your hole closed.

Bam!  You just birthed a quilt!

Time for tying

You could get lost shopping for yarn.  I love yarn!  Check out this yarn shop for just a feast for your eyes.  I want everything!

On the top of your quilt, you’ll take a needle, threaded with yarn, push it towards the bottom and then back up through to the top.  Cut it and then double knot your yarn.  Then trim to the size of ties that you want.

I was a little clumsy at first, but got the hang of this fairly quickly.

Video Help

If you are a member of Creative Bug ($4.95 a month, any/all the classes you want to take) you can see a class taught by Anna Maria Horner where she teaches tying a quilt.  It’s a great class.  And you get a quilt pattern as well.

Finished pics

These are part of a new item I’m bringing to my shop.  Find the details here.

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  1. so, “birthing” is putting the layers down in a certain order, sewing around the edge leaving an opening for turning.
    the actual “birthing” is turning the quilt right side to?

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