
Inner Beauty Quilt – Wholehearted – In Progress

Inner Beauty Quilt

I am very excited to finally be showing you Inner Beauty. She is my next quilt pattern. Should be releasing this coming October. And she…is….BIGGGGGG!

Like biggest quilt pattern I’ve ever written! A whopping 90″x90″!

You can order the pattern here.

About Inner Beauty Quilt

I made this one using almost all of my Wholehearted fabrics. Find all of my fabric collections here.

I’ve been planning this quilt for most of this year. The fabrics just kept on changing… But it was fun to make in my Wholehearted line. I will also be making it in the new Garden Therapy line after those release late this year. My daughter has already put in a request. πŸ˜‰

Anyway, this pattern came along with my wanting to make another Trip Around The World quilt pattern, but I wanted to combine that with a sampler style quilt. This is my take on those two quilt combos.

What’s been really exciting is all the strip piecing. I haven’t included strip piecing in any of my patterns before, but I’m happy to have embraced the method. It really does speed the process along! Here’s a tutorial for strip piecing that I made especially for this pattern.


I’ve still got to make a backing for this one and get it quilted. I’m planning on doing just an all over design instead of custom simply because of the size of it. No matter what I choose, this will be a very long task.

I’m hoping to also be releasing a class over on Quilt Class for this quilt as well (at least the top) at the same time of the pattern release, but that will depend on timing and if I can get it all completed by then. It may end up being released a bit after the pattern.

Wish me luck!

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I’ll be showing you this one completed very soon! Thanks for reading along!

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