Quilt Reveal – Tiny patch quilt

The definition of a scrap quilt – a quilt created out of several pieces of various fabrics, frequently these pieces are extra pieces of fabric from past quilting projects.


I finished this quilt this weekend.

You might remember me discussing this quilt and my scrap fabric storing system.  If not, that post is here and includes the quilt pattern for this quilt above.

It feels good to use my scraps.  It means I’m not wasting fabric and money.  It’s also a weight lifted.  Let’s face it, when things are sitting around without a purpose they start eating at us.  And scraps eat at me constantly, begging to be used.

The problem is that they can overwhelm us very quickly.

When choosing fabrics for a quilt, I usually try to rummage through my scrap baskets to see if I have anything that will work before moving on to my regular stash.  Many times the scraps just won’t work with the size fabric I need, but a lot of times they do, so it’s worth it to look.

Looking is made easier when your scraps are sorted into different sizes and colors.

I found a great “free (for now)” ebook on Craftsy here.  It discusses how to store fabrics in eye pleasing ways, why not to put them out of sight, out of mind, and is chalk full of ideas for using them.

Also, if you are a real go-getter, Lori Holt has a very detailed scrap storage method that you can read about here.  Any quilt she makes from her scraps she calls ‘bonus quilts’.  I like that.

I have a pinterest board titled ‘Strip Quilts‘.  Strips are what I have most of in my scrap baskets, so this is my go-to place for inspiration to use them.  Below I’ve pictured several of my favorite one’s that I am putting on my must make list.

  1. Cluck Cluck Sew – I love stack and slash patterns and that one is calling my name.  I might even try to emulate the colors as well.  I’m sitting on top of a basket full of mint colored strips.
  2. Red Red Completely Red  – This one reminds me of my low volume scrap quilt from last year.  It looks pretty simple, but beautiful.  Also, I could read everything this woman writes.  She has a beautiful way about her.
  3. Maureen Cracknell – Maureen has a style that I just adore.  And her fabrics!  I couldn’t find a tutorial for this one, but I think I could wing it.
  4. Denise Schmidt – While you are on her site, take a look at all her quilts.  They are basically all strip quilts.

Hope your week is lovely!

XO, Melanie

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