Quilt Reveal – Little Miss Sawtooth Quilt – #8 – The Sunset One
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Quilt Reveal – Little Miss Sawtooth Quilt – #8 – The Sunset One

  The stars aligned and all timing fell into place that I received a commission order for a Little Miss Sawtooth quilt at the same time I needed to make all of the video tutorials for the quilt along that starts this September.  I fed two birds with one scone.  So yay! I don’t know…

Quilt Reveal – Trippy Quilt – #2 – The Colorful One
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Quilt Reveal – Trippy Quilt – #2 – The Colorful One

  It feels like I’ve been working on this quilt for ages.  Truly.  Piecing tiny squares together is not for the restless.  To be truthful, Trip Around the World quilts are for those that have so many scraps they are drowning in them and plenty of time to fuss over them.  If this hadn’t been…

Ruby Beatrice – Quilt Reveal – #2 The one with all that Quiltcon fabric

Ruby Beatrice – Quilt Reveal – #2 The one with all that Quiltcon fabric

  I know I might say this every time something new comes my way, but Ruby Beatrice is hands down my favorite quilt that I’ve designed.  Maybe that feeling won’t last forever, maybe something better will spark, it’s hard to say.  In this moment however, I’m absolutely in love. I blogged about this quilt first…

Random Sampler Quilt – Emerge Circle – Quilt Reveal
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Random Sampler Quilt – Emerge Circle – Quilt Reveal

Emerge Circle is a charity group I host under the umbrella of do. Good Stitches created by Rachel Hauser of Stitched in Color.  Each month a different member of our circle is lead quilter.  Lead quilter decides quilt pattern, size, colors, all the details and members of our circle send blocks to the lead quilter. …

Evening Walk Quilt Reveal + My New Patchwork + Quilt class for beginners
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Evening Walk Quilt Reveal + My New Patchwork + Quilt class for beginners

  I feel like I’ve been talking about this for ages.  It’s actually been just a bit over six months.  Still, that is a long time to be working on the exact same thing.  This is my very first online class and it’s for the beginner quilter. It was 2008 when I first started quilting…