do. Good Stitches – Emerge Circle

I’m thrilled to announce that I have joined do. Good Stitches created by Rachel over at Stitched in Color.  do. Good Stitches is a charity quilt group.  I am now the host of Emerge Circle.  You can read about how DGS works and become a member yourself by visiting this page.

I am contacted often about charity quilts and have given quilts here and there over the last nine years.  Now it will be more consistent.  Our circle will donate 10 quilts per year with lead quilter getting to choose who/where to donate to each month.  If you are part of an organization in need of a quilt, please contact me with your details and credentials.

From this point on, you may see posts 1-2 times a month about my experiences with Emerge Circle, along with block and quilt patterns.

I’m excited about this opportunity to give, make new friends, and do good.

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